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after a week of on off play.


I loved the game though there are things that did kinda bug me but can still live with.


bear in mind this is my system PII 400, 256 RAM, 16bit TNT Nvidea video card. I played with medium detail


loved the graphics

loved the animations of characters

loved the stuff you could do to these guys LOL

nice story

weapons worked fine to me


just a great game I will play again after my NPC spawning fun


things that were not really done right but I am sure it was unavoidable


IMPs knew you were coming before you opened a door..

ex- "Show some ID" this being before i had even opened a door


IMP will charge up to point blank range rather than seek cover and fire at you.


often a long IMP spoke as if there were more with him during a battle


There is other stuff but hey its game and still a good one in my book

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