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Scaling in GB

Guest Stryder

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Guest Stryder

:atat: I haven't got the game yet (I ordered it from Amazon.co.uk but it hasn't arrived) and I was wondering how good the scaling is. I was thinking about this because I've seen screenshots where the AT-AT was the same size or not much bigger than a trooper, but other screenshots where the scaling was very good and AT-ATs and AT-STs tower above troopers.

Someone please post a screen with AT-ATs and troopers together, please do this only if you have the game.

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It is much improved from early pictures that you may have seen. It's not totally perfect with units such as the air units but there's not much you can do about that. but the most obvious ones such as the at-at's and ground units are more to scale now. The at-at's tower over the soldiers, at least when compared to those early pic's that were out.

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Guest RetardedChimp

I've got more screens if ya like. I'm trying to persuade some friends into buying SWGB by repeatedly sending em zips full of images :)

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Guest RetardedChimp

I removed the images and am uploading some zips up with more in em. Don't mind that 40+mb zip, has nothin to do with SWGB


Uploaded another zip, if you guys want anything specific I will get it for ya :)

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