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Dealing with the dark side


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Does anyone have any good strategies for dealing with dark jedi?


I have no trouble dueling without force or when against light jedi but when a meet a dark jedi I always lose. They always drain your force, grip you, and by the time you've recovered they've already slashed you a couple times. I tried using Force Absorb but they just wait for it to wear off then grip you. Is there any way for a light jedi to even the fight?

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You can turn absorb off by using the power a second time.


When you see them stop and wait, turn it off and mind trick them :). I usually turn it on when I see something coming down on me, which means they lift me off my feet or do about 10 points of damage, after which I have absorb on and get a full bar of force before they realize what's going on.


However, you have to make sure you have the initial amount of force it takes to get absorb running.

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