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Level editing in JK2?


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How exactly do i go about making a map in JK2. I asume at the moment that you have to use the Q3 editer GTKRadient, but if i make a level in that, how do i convert it into JK2 and make it playable in JK2?


When the SDK come out will there be an actual JK2 level editer or will it juts use Radient?

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As far as I've heard, Raven is about to release a level editor for JO based on Q3Radiant, so if you wanted to get a jump start, learn it first. As far as currently playing levels in JK2.. don't know exactly, but I havn't seen any original maps out yet.

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Because the application will be only a Modification or Plugin for Radient, its no problem to Pre Fabricate (Prefab) files like ships or rooms or anything you like in the Q3A Editor. Obviously there would only be an issue with the textures.


Simply dont texture it completely or dont texture it at all untill the JKO Radient becomes available.


Then just export as a prefab or .map file and open it with the other editor and begin to texture it.


If you did pre texture it to see how the level looks, and you were very consistant. Just so you know, you could open up the .map file for the map, and do a find and replace in MS Word or equivelant and for example if your main wall texture was


textures/base_wall/wall_grey.tga in quake (make beleave file)


just replace it with the path of the prefered Jedi Knight file.


If you have any more questions please send me a private message.

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