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Dismemberment Help ( resistent one )


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I have tried everything. REALY EVERYTHING. I have searched forums for days, tried modpaks and pak files. Fidled around with g_dismemberment






but NOTHING works. I haven't seen any dismemberment at all. NOTHING, ZERO, NIENTE.

I got european version on w2k.

Help plz :(

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I'm sure you've read and tried all the console commands, but all I ever did was:


[open console]

type devmapall

type helpusobi 1

type g_saberrealisticcombat 1


there's nothing to let you know it's accepted, except you won't get error messages back from the console. But you'll know once it's activated, the enemies practically fall apart.


That is, unless there's something completely different about your version. There's also a pak3 file you can download that someone made that causes dismemberment, but I don't think it was as extreme. Not sure.

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I've been using the dismemberment code for a few days now and it's way cool. Try this:



g_saberRealisticCombat 1


It may be case sensitive so input it exactly like that. It's kinda freaky when you see your head get lopped off in slo-mo.


Good Luck,



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quite frankly you're right, saber throw tends to "blenderize" anyone who can't block it... i reduce grans to quivering piles of random limbs. i make reelo baruk into cold cuts,


and i make entire rooms of storm toopers into sushi, either that or i jump over them and "pull" hehehe And listen to the screams.

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Oh gosh, I am soooo simple minded. I could slice my way through ranks of stormtroopers with this "cheat" enabled for a long long time. And when a Reborn or Tavion cuts off my arm or my head, it's a riot.


I guess part of it comes from playing with Star Wars toys when I was ... uh ... young. We used to always pretend we had light sabers and were cutting each others arms and heads off.


Weee, I'm a Jedi and I'm young again!!!

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The way i use to enable dismemberment in my european version of JK II is to create a file named , autoexec.cfg with notepad and

place it to the gamedata/base directory and to autoexec.cfg

write following text :


HelpUsObi 1

g_saberrealisticcombat 1

g_dismemberment 3


that enables them every time you start the game so you dont need to open the console. Also be sure you have selected that

dismemberment is enabled from the setup...

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Yes, that I did also, didn't work either. Look, heres my version info:




Name=Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast







ui_iscensored = 1



[Version Info]





[Product Info]


ProductName=Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast


and that's my jkconfig.cfg:


// generated by Star Wars Jedi Outcast, do not modify


bind TAB "datapad"

bind ENTER "invuse"

bind SPACE "+moveup"

bind - "set g_dismemberment 3; set sp_language 0"

bind . "+moveright"

bind / "+mlook"

bind 0 "weapon 10"

bind 1 "weapon 1"

bind 2 "weapon 2"

bind 3 "weapon 3"

bind 4 "weapon 4"

bind 5 "weapon 5"

bind 6 "weapon 6"

bind 7 "weapon 7"

bind 8 "weapon 8"

bind 9 "weapon 9"

bind [ "invprev"

bind \ "weapongrabbed"

bind ] "invnext"

bind ` "toggleconsole"

bind b "use_bacta"

bind c "+movedown"

bind d "+back"

bind e "+forward"

bind f "+moveright"

bind g "+useforce"

bind l "saberAttackCycle"

bind m "datapad"

bind p "cg_thirdperson !"

bind q "weapprev"

bind r "weapnext"

bind s "+moveleft"

bind t "+force_lightning"

bind v "+strafe"

bind x "forcenext"

bind z "forceprev"

bind ~ "toggleconsole"

bind LEFTARROW "+left"

bind RIGHTARROW "+right"

bind ALT "+altattack"

bind CTRL "+movedown"

bind SHIFT "+speed"

bind PGDN "+lookdown"

bind PGUP "+lookup"

bind END "centerview"

bind F1 "force_throw"

bind F2 "force_pull"

bind F3 "force_speed"

bind F4 "force_distract"

bind F5 "force_heal"

bind F6 "+force_grip"

bind F7 "+force_lightning"

bind F9 "load quik"

bind F10 "uimenu ingameloadmenu"

bind F11 "uimenu ingamesavemenu"

bind F12 "save quik*"

bind KP_LEFTARROW "use_lightamp_goggles"

bind KP_5 "use_sentry"

bind KP_PGDN "use_seeker"

bind MOUSE1 "+attack"

bind MOUSE2 "+altattack"

bind MOUSE3 "+use"

bind MWHEELDOWN "weapnext"

bind MWHEELUP "weapprev"

seta ui_iscensored "0"

seta g_saberAutoAim "1"

seta g_saberAnimSpeed "1"

seta g_saberMoveSpeed "1"

seta g_saberRealisticCombat "1"

seta g_saberAutoBlocking "1"

seta g_subtitles "0"

seta g_dismemberProbabilities "0"

seta cg_reliableAnimSounds "1"

seta cg_gunAutoFirst "1"

seta cg_saberAutoThird "1"

seta cg_bobroll "0"

seta cg_bobpitch "0"

seta cg_bobup "0"

seta cg_runroll "0"

seta cg_runpitch "0"

seta cg_simpleItems "0"

seta cg_crosshairY "0"

seta cg_crosshairX "0"

seta cg_crosshairSize "24"

seta cg_dynamicCrosshair "1"

seta cg_drawAmmoWarning "1"

seta cg_drawSnapshot "0"

seta cg_drawFPS "0"

seta cg_drawTimer "0"

seta cg_drawStatus "1"

seta cg_draw2D "1"

seta cg_stereoSeparation "0.4"

seta cg_drawGun "1"

seta cm_playerCurveClip "1"

seta cg_crosshairForceHint "0"

seta g_spskill "1"

seta g_dismemberment "3"

seta d_slowmodeath "3"

seta cg_crosshairIdentifyTarget "0"

seta ui_r_glCustom "4"

seta cg_hudFiles "ui/jk2hud.txt"

seta ui_bigFont "0.4"

seta ui_smallFont "0.25"

seta ui_menuFiles "ui/menus.txt"

seta cg_marks "1"

seta cg_drawCrosshair "1"

seta s_soundpoolmegs "25"

seta s_UseOpenAL "0"

seta s_mp3overhead "31756"

seta s_language "english"

seta s_mixPreStep "0.05"

seta s_mixahead "0.2"

seta s_allowDynamicMusic "1"

seta s_khz "22"

seta s_separation "0.5"

seta s_musicvolume "0.570313"

seta s_volumeVoice "1.0"

seta s_volume "0.5"

seta vid_ypos "22"

seta vid_xpos "3"

seta r_lastValidRenderer "GeForce3/AGP/3DNOW!"

seta r_modelpoolmegs "20"

seta cg_shadows "1"

seta r_showtriscolor "0"

seta r_primitives "0"

seta r_facePlaneCull "1"

seta r_gamma "0.753906"

seta r_swapInterval "0"

seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR"

seta r_finish "0"

seta r_dlightBacks "1"

seta r_dynamiclight "1"

seta r_drawSun "0"

seta r_fastsky "0"

seta r_ignoreGLErrors "1"

seta r_lodscale "10"

seta r_flares "1"

seta r_lodbias "0"

seta r_lodCurveError "250"

seta r_intensity "1"

seta r_ignoreFastPath "1"

seta r_subdivisions "4"

seta r_vertexLight "0"

seta r_simpleMipMaps "1"

seta r_customaspect "1"

seta r_customheight "1024"

seta r_customwidth "1600"

seta r_fullscreen "1"

seta r_mode "4"

seta r_ignorehwgamma "0"

seta r_overBrightBits "1"

seta r_depthbits "24"

seta r_stencilbits "8"

seta r_stereo "0"

seta r_colorbits "32"

seta r_texturebitslm "0"

seta r_texturebits "32"

seta r_detailtextures "1"

seta r_picmip "0"

seta r_ext_texture_filter_anisotropic "1"

seta r_ext_texture_env_add "1"

seta r_ext_compiled_vertex_array "1"

seta r_ext_multitexture "1"

seta r_ext_gamma_control "1"

seta r_ext_preferred_tc_method "0"

seta r_ext_compress_lightmaps "0"

seta r_ext_compress_textures "1"

seta r_allowExtensions "1"

seta handicap "100"

seta sex "male"

seta snaps "20"

seta name "Kyle"

seta m_filter "1"

seta m_side "0.25"

seta m_forward "0.25"

seta m_yaw "0.022"

seta m_pitch "0.022"

seta cg_autoswitch "1"

seta cl_VideoQuality "0"

seta cl_ingameVideo "1"

seta cl_freelook "1"

seta cl_mouseAccel "0"

seta sensitivity "4.625000"

seta cl_run "1"

seta cl_packetdup "1"

seta cl_maxpackets "30"

seta cl_anglespeedkey "1.5"

seta cl_pitchspeed "140"

seta cl_yawspeed "140"

seta panoNumShots "10"

seta conAlpha "1.6"

seta ff_defaultTension "1"

seta use_ff "0"

seta k_language "american"

seta joy_ybutton "0"

seta joy_xbutton "1"

seta js_ffmult "3.0"

seta joy_threshold "0.15"

seta in_joyBallScale "0.02"

seta in_joystick "0"

seta in_mouse "-1"

seta in_mididevice "0"

seta in_midichannel "1"

seta in_midiport "1"

seta in_midi "0"

seta sp_language "0"

seta com_maxfps "85"

seta r_weatherScale "1"

seta helpUsObi "1"


see? so what shall I do?

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Originally posted by cronolyth

Yeah, that procedre was one of the first tries. As said, didn't work at all. Also this pak file didn't work. And the mod also not. NOTHING worked.

What shall I do now?



where do you live? i do beleive the german version doesnt have dismemberment ... it might depend on your version

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I live in switzerland, but the version I got was most likely approved by the german officals for youth prevention, so it went trough cencure.

BUT, I'v read topics of people haveing all the dismemberment in the German version.

This whole cencoring is s fuzz. It's completely and utterly pathetic and it frustrates the buyers of games, leading to less sales after all. If they won't have children to have violent games, don't sell them. If parrents buy then those games...isn't my prob, is it?

If they will protect the public in general, don't make the goddamn GAME!!!

Geeze, this stupid ****ing ****head moronic foolisch asshole cencoring get on my nerves hard!!

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Guest Forceflow

You MUST set ui_iscensored = 0 in the autoexec.cfg. This CANNOT be changed in the console if you have the german version. (At least I couldn'T in my version) It keeps saying it's write protected. Once I set it to zero in the cfg file it all worked fine for me.

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first off... for multiplayer... set g_dismember 100 if you are running the server... server has to have this enabled for it to work for anyone


second... the client must set cg_dismember 1 to be able to use/see it


that works for me... i havent fiddled around with the other settings... never needed to as this works fine for me

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I had the same problem with you before I downloaded this patch.

Download this patch but its inscription is in german so let me tell you what to do:




1.Use the crack.exe on jk2sp.exe

2.Put the dll file to gamedata directory and overwrite the existing one

3.Put the pk3 file to gamedata/base directory then enter the game

4.In game, enter Setup/Options.There you will see 2 new options.

Do like this:

Dismemberment models=On

Dismemberment Probability=Excessv



THEN...........Wipe 'em...All of them


Have fun... :)

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Originally posted by Sont-ar

I had the same problem with you before I downloaded this patch.

Download this patch but its inscription is in german so let me tell you what to do:




1.Use the crack.exe on jk2sp.exe

2.Put the dll file to gamedata directory and overwrite the existing one

3.Put the pk3 file to gamedata/base directory then enter the game

4.In game, enter Setup/Options.There you will see 2 new options.

Do like this:

Dismemberment models=On

Dismemberment Probability=Excessv



THEN...........Wipe 'em...All of them


Have fun... :)


WTF!? cracks and patches? skrew that... you don't have skrew around with your exe to dismember stuff... geez... just use the console commands i gave above... it works... you don't always dismember someone, but you do sometimes

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