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SABER STYLE MODS [Just an opinion]


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Hello, i'm an old JK1, nice to meet u all :D


Ok, congrats to the Raven, great game, great move, great atmosphere , nothing to say but.... well.. the game is almost near the perfection, so let's try to reach it ;)




I read some post about the comparision with jk 1 and jk 2 saber style, well here is my opinion:


Someone called jk 1 style STRATEGIC, and it's true, try for a moment to FORGET the huge destrctive secondary fire, but jk 1 was studied to have, 5...6 primary moves, and a good use of keys and "fire1 pressing time " was able to make different combo just fixing togheter different moves, couse in jk 1 there was a sort of pause-time between a move and another one ( also primary shot ) but combo enable u to link togheter moves.


U had more schematic moves, i mean :


Forward hits, side hits, jump bottom hits, and slash, and i think that the BLOCK SYSTEM was better, i parry really more in jk 1 ( just putting my saber in the direction of the enemy attack ) then in jk2... sometimes also if i'm standing i CANT block a frontal hit.. it's just like block system in jk2 is RANDOM ( also if 90 % ) i'm not sure u can BLOCK everything if u are in good position, but u can just block depending from a sort of probabilistic calculate.



In jk 1 players were able to try ATTACK, or COMBO ATTACKS with a clear strategyin their mind, and every attack had a counter attack ( just dont consider the fire 2.. couse there are a lof of mod with new moves and with decreased damage to fire 2 ), but it was different from jk 2 style.. jk 2 is more "newbie" style.. i mean that u dont need to MAKE combo with your skill in pressing the right keys in the right time... ujust pres fire 1 and press some keys... the player will start a sort of acrobatic spin-dance, like a wheel, well i enjoy with hit like

BLUE stance : couch + forward + fire 1

YELLOW stance : side slashs


but IMO i think that a good way to play can be a system that enable u to make a duel like that.


player 1 vs player 2

1: start an attack with 3 foward combo

2 : block all the 3 forward and try a side step with a right slash,

1 : jump with a backflip the move and start in block system

the 2 players turn slowly around studing themselves

1 : start a fake shot on the right then side step and attackl from the left

2 : block the shot and jumping make a downhit to 1 head

1 : get the hit and make a back jump to take place

2 : start a rapid counter attack the immediatly try a head chop

1 : block all the attacks and near the head chop he crouch and charge the enemy with a stab



well... sincerly it was jk 1 style ( just without always run ) but in jk 2 what u see?


1: start a yellow attack and start spinnin around like a dancer

2: cant approch easly couse it's difficult to get close if the enemy is spinning everytime ( maybe for some lag )

1: start a sort of continuesly red shot just hoping to hit something

2 : start spinning him to just pressing EVERYTHING on thekeyboard and slashing furyosly the air

1 : try to jump the enemy but the only thing can do is an acrobatic flip in the air that.. yes it's funny, but it make more confusion to the attacker then to the defender :) lol



I think jk 2 system is GOOD.. O my god jk 2 it' ALMOST PERFECT, but i only think that an improved jk 1 system would be better.


Can some good MOD user be able to make a mod more like jk 1?

and maybe.. modify the block system, just with a balanced way to block.


Strategic game means that, in a huge chaos of direct hit, i must find the correct time to block the enemy shot, avoid the second one, and lnflict a good hit... and not just taking the time between a spin and another spin to hit the enemy!


It can be funny to see, but after all when u see that most of your moves are inefficaces if compared to the classical Redshot + blue strike move... and expecially when most of the time u STAND to block a shot and u DONT block anything it can be boring!!! couse u are fighting a spinning-top and not a jedi :)


Just check SEVERANCE : BLADE OF DARKENSS game.. or DIE BY THE SWORD, and get inspired



Other things to modfy:


-the backward run speed should be the half of forward speed, and it isnt in the game

-the acrobatic evasive manouvre should be faster but shorter, they are just a way to immediatly avoid a strke and get to enemy side, and not a rolling race , when i want to use this i just cross half of the map before stopping, and my enemy is far miles and miles from me!!!

Other things are just really good!


I't a good idea to use a BLOCK KEY , or maybe this thing could be better


Just imagine that ATTACK consume your force... it's like STAMINA, u cant ATTAC FOR HOURS AND HOURS just like a spin... u must choose really well your assault and your assault combo


Just use if u stand, u dont consume force in parrying but u just block a limited degrees angle, if u use your block stance u can use your hit to BLOCK enemy hits and maybe also to get close enough to hit him ( so u can use yout hit to block )


Or just use that a BLUE stance enable u a greater block degrees, a yellow stance a smaller, and a red stance a REALLY REALLY small!


It could be good :)




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