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Ion cannon mission, ravens claw never shows up!!??


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Well, thats the third time I've finished the mission in which you have to blow up the ion cannons to free the prisoners, whenever I kill the ion cannons, Jan ors says she will set down in the canyon, but she never turns up! The other ship lands to pick up the prisoners, but the ravens claw doesn't show to pick me up, therefore I cant finish the level.


Any ideas ppl? This is REALLY annoying.

TIA - ineluki

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You mean where third ATST at the other end of the canyon from the prisoners? I can get through any doors there! I spent over an hour wandering around after she said she would land and nothing happens there is nowhere to go.

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ahh.. Thanks, its not very bloody clear where you are meant to go! She says she'll land in the canyon and you only know of the canyon you are in at that point! How the hell are you meant to know about this other canyon? Is their a camera somewhere that I missed?

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Originally posted by ineluki

You mean where third ATST at the other end of the canyon from the prisoners? I can get through any doors there! I spent over an hour wandering around after she said she would land and nothing happens there is nowhere to go.


Nono. Before you destroyed the Ion cannons you had to go through a big room with LOTSA AT-STs. Go back there and a door previously locked can now be opened.

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why to patch people's stupidity? they arent going to patch jan's voice or the level....i dont see a big problem....


(even though jan could have avoided a "situation" had she landed where the prisoners were, thus ending the game much more quickly =)


and anyway, if you are getting stuck and you cant find a way out of this level, you are going to have a very hard time through the rest of the game, so why patch this one spot...i think it should be consistently 'puzzly' heh

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