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Respect to your opponent before duelling starts

Lord Slart

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Bowing down is taking this game, yes this COMPUTER GAME a bit too seriously. Just wait until the other persons ready, no need to become kung-fu masters in a fight for the world title or anything.







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I have no problem with bowing.I've done it and I think it adds ALOT to the match.


I'm guessing those of you that think it is stupid are the same ones that use strong style and simply run around like a mad man hoping to connect.


I've found that people that bow fight a MUCH better match.


Sure... I could approach this like most of you and simply be in it to win, but I find satisfaction in winning AND losing as long as the fight was a good one. Nothing is more depressing that fighting someone that really has no skill and opts to simply use the forward-jump-strong hack to try and win or swings like a monkey on crack...LOL...loser!


Matches can be made MUCH more exciting if you USE YOUR BRAINS instead of just trying to smash anything that comes within range of your lame saber skills.

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In every game sertain peeps play wiv a sort of a code like for instance bowing down... I think on servers people should be respected for what they do and what they stand for.

(I'm not speakin for the tits who find it necessary to start of wiv bad behaviour)


If some is bowing than so will I...

Indeed its only a game but some peeps forget that there are real people sittin behinds desks playin them.


Its all about respect.


grtz dis

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So much to respond to. Let's see, where shall I start off.....

First off, I don't know what duel servers you people are playing on where all you get is two people screwing around, but I highly suggest "Swords at Dawn". No, I'm not talking about the same one as the thread which is "Swords at Dawn US" (which is a bit dumb since the "Swords at Dawn" server is in Chicago). A word of warning about a current bug if you go there: it says there is no force, but there is. I'm not sure how Austrian (the admin) did it, but only certain force powers are enabled (push and pull being the main ones).

Next, we have the issue of bowing. I do like doing this, but I am careful to keep alert for someone who can't be bothered to do so.

Now the issue of voting people off in duel servers. I am all for it, especially when you have some gutless jackass that won't fight because he'll die and go back in line.

Lastly, I'm bringing a new subject in to this thread with what I like to do: quick draw. I find it quite satisfying to have myself and an opponent walk towards each other calmly, sabers unlit, and then when near striking distance of each other, you both light your saber and slice at each other. After that it's pretty much a basic saber duel.

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I don't always bow (don'l lose youre NME out off sight :) ) but i realy like to wait before my oponent is ready...


most off the times its this


1 start

2 saber off (can't you mak this default)

3 walk to te middle off the arena

4 wait 4 NME

5 look and taunt (ehehehhe)

6 activate saber

7 he activates saber

8 here we go...... slash em...


i personaly think it ads just a little more feeling to the game, and it makes the game stand out agains the other 1 on 1 games out there...


and it's realy true the saber is a nice and elegant weapon not as random and clumsy as an blaster...

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