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My take on Star Wars: Dark Forces III: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast...


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(That's what its full name should be!)


Ok, I got this game fairly early (the benifits, for once, of living in Oz) and fired it up straight away.


I got stuck in the second level, got angry, quit, and went to multiplayer.


Now this is odd for me as I love single player games!


After a while I went back, and somehow (don't ask me how) found my way through all the levels until I got to the 2nd level of Nar Shadaar. Then I found a walkthrough and the rest is history.




If for no other reason than the Lightsabre, this game kicks ass. There's nothing quite like, when fighting off a Reborn in fast attack mode, when you get him with a reverse strike dead on and it does a slow motion pan of it (like in the second trailer).


There's nothing like running into the Doombringer's hangers with L3 Force Pull ready, jumping 20 feet into the air towards some Stormies and pulling them up to you. You land safely as you hear their death screams behind you as they slam into the ground! It's sadistic, but fun.


There's nothing quite like facing off that Reborn on the LOOOOONG reactor shaft, hitting Force Speed, running forward, jumping AS he throws his sabre (and you throw yours) and watching, in slow motion, his sabre go under your feet and yours hit him directly, killing him instantly.


Yes the Blaster Rifle is hard to use, yes the communication frequency puzzel made NO SENSE AT ALL, yes that whole garbage leve was a frustrating level, yes there were, on the whole, too many puzzels, yes the stealth level wasn't as good as the RTCW ones, but this game still kicks ass.


On a side note, the graphics rock. I hate Quake III with a passion, and love Unreal Tournament to death, but games based off the QIII engine (F.A.A.K. 2, the excellent Elite Force etc.) all look very nice.


Ok, I think I'm done!



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