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where is the 3rd secret in ns bespin under..


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Where is the third secret in this level? I found one when the second jedi appears and one after you got in the huge transportation circle.


What about the middle pipe? Is this a secret way?


Thanks in advance

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You're in the level where you have to work your way up from the bottom of Cloud City, right?


First one is in the circular area above the huge masher (at the beginning), you have to jump up from the masher to get into it (just look around, you'll see the opening).


The 2nd one is beneath the elevator you take after you've finished the area with all the glowing tubes, where you have to walk across an energy web to little elevators.


The 3rd one is in a dark area of the carbonite chamber, turn on your light and you'll see the opening.


If this is the wrong level, let me know which one you are on :)

(I've forgotten to write down the map names with my secrets).



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Originally posted by Creston

You're in the level where you have to work your way up from the bottom of Cloud City, right?


First one is in the circular area above the huge masher (at the beginning), you have to jump up from the masher to get into it (just look around, you'll see the opening).


The 2nd one is beneath the elevator you take after you've finished the area with all the glowing tubes, where you have to walk across an energy web to little elevators.


The 3rd one is in a dark area of the carbonite chamber, turn on your light and you'll see the opening.


If this is the wrong level, let me know which one you are on :)

(I've forgotten to write down the map names with my secrets).





Thanks a lot creston


That was exactly the right level, i wanted to know the secret.

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