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Help with level 3 (mining outpost)

Keyran Halcyon

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Yes, I had problems with this as well, Padawan. If, instead of going through the door that gets you into the room with the power droid ("GOP! GOP!"), you go through one of the doors on the other side of the room (IIRC, they are on either side of a large bay window), this will take you outside. There is a catwalk with a split in the railing. If you wait at the split, you'll notice that an exhaust pipe comes out periodically. Carefully walk onto that pipe. Quickly walk up the pipe to the wall and jump off to the side of the pipe onto the ledge next to the pipe. You have to do this quickly, because the exhaust pipe is only extended for a few seconds. Wait for the pipe to go totally into the wall. When it does, enter the pipe and take it all the way to the end. You'll end up in the room beneath the room that you keep getting killed in. If you look around, you'll notice four glowing pylons surrounding the machinery in the middle--one is actually damaged. Shoot it. (NOTE: if you hear the siren, run back through the pipe you came through and go back outside quickly!) Run back outside through the pipe and step off to the side. Wait for the pipe to extend and return. Do not get caught in that room for long. Repeat that until all four pylons are destroyed. Then you'll be able to enter that room at will.

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So...you wanna hitch a ride, huh? Here is how I did it.


You got to the room that gets winda warm...ok...it cooks you. Dont go in yet. Instead, watch through the window for one of those floating carts to cruise in. When it does, the doors will close...room turns red... things get a might bit hot (droid on floor frying). Once this stops, this is your chance!!! Get poised by the door. When it opens, run inside and to the right to the door that the floating cruiser just went out of. Here's the trick.stand on the outside edge of that door, so that when it closes, you are right next to the door on the outside (watch your nads, yes, you are that close).:eek:


Now all you do is wait. "Yes, but when do I know when one is coming?" Glad you asked. Glance to the side of the door. When the red light comes on (remember the cooking droid?) Well, the wall will turn red when its cooking, that's how you know. When it turns off (wall is gray again) prepare to jump. The door will open and here comes that fresh-cooked floating cruiser. Jump on that sucker and hang ten. Off you go.:D


Since I didn't ride this thing too far, I don't know what staying on it will get you. I jumped off at the green cave right up the way. That's up to you.


It's really alot easier than it sounds.

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