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I'm up for it!


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if youre going to recruit him.. then i'll ask you to do the same for me :D


names BacMeth

DSL connection...

no webspace.. but hey.. at least i can handle a lightsaber :)


lookin for a clan to build my skills up (prefering light saber duels)


and i hate cheating or cheap tactics

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I'm interested in joining a clan. I am on cable and am in the process of moving my server to my friends office, then I will have my webspace back.


This is the kind of clan i'm looking for:


One that isn't obsessed with "member ranks"


I just want to get together with a group of people that I know on a regular basis and play.

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I hear you insaniak.


I would say "I'll set one up" but at the moment I have no idea. Got a few dayz of work so I will be reading up and all that stuff.


Main goal of the clan will be to meet up and fight!


If you interested then just reply leaving your details etc....


I will see what I can do.....


Keep watching the sky's! :-p








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