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Ok.. Is my saber broken or is this a pretty LAME bug?

Game CEO

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Can someone explain to me why touching people with your saber doesnt always kill them or even seem to do damage? For example.. I can run up behind say a white stormtrooper with my saber, touch him with it and he dies. I can then run up behind another one and all that happens is he sits there going 'ooooouch! ohhhhh! ahhhhhh! ewwww!'. I actually have to swing it a few times to kill the exact same character I just killed by a simple touch. WTH is up with that? If thats intentional, its one of the corniest features of the game.

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I haven't gotten the sabre yet, but from what I've read it sounds like it may have something to do with your sabre offense skill - not all hits are supposed to connect, depending on your level of attack skill and the difficulty of your opponent.


Still sounds wrong to miss a strike from behind an opponent, though....

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No that's not it. The reason for this is that Realistic Combat is turned off by default. Thus, TOUCHING someone with the lightsaber doesn't do anything. This is by design.


You can turn that option on if you want, but be warned that


A) It makes the game a WHOLE lot easier!

B) The Reborn will kill you with blows that normally would have only taken some health.


So it's up to you.


If you want to enable saber touch = kill, go into the console (shift ~), then type in


g_saberRealisticCombat 1


et voila.


If you're really in a gory mood, you can also add some more dismemberments, by typing


g_dismemberment 3


exit the console with shift ~ again.


Like I said, use at your own risk, it makes the game easier than it should be!



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Originally posted by Creston

No that's not it. The reason for this is that Realistic Combat is turned off by default. Thus, TOUCHING someone with the lightsaber doesn't do anything. This is by design.


Actually thats not it at all. I turned on realistic combat and dismemberment and all that stuff. If you read my post, I said that I could run up behind someone, simply touch them with the saber and they die. Run up to one of the same characters who is still alive and touch him. He wont die. He just sits there saying 'ouch ohhh ahhh eeeeewww ouch'.


By the way, it doesnt matter what level jedi because I experienced this throughout the entire game after obtaining the saber.

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Game CEO,


Far be it from me to say that you are wrong, or whatever, but I've spent a whole afternoon figuring out what did what with those codes, and I've played through the whole game twice with the realisticCombat on, and three times through with it off, and what you are describing has NEVER happened to me at any point.


If I don't turn the realistic stuff on, I can shove that lightsaber up anybody's bum, neck, spinal cord, achilles heel or whatever, and they groan and smoke, and they will never die, whether they are an enemy or a friend.


If I turn the realism stuff on, EVERYTHING dies when I touch it, with the small exception of the occasional npc who has an invulnerability flag or something set (maybe an undead flag). It will take a little time sometimes for some of these npc's to die (like the JediTrainer), but they DO die.


So then I guess you either have a very unique copy, or I have a very unique copy.



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hey I get that bug too.. I've noticed though if you go straight up to a stormtrooper and touch him with your saber it doesn't hurt him.. he just goes owe ouch owe ee blah blah blah..


but if you strike him once with your light saber then touch him with your lightsaber he will die instantly...


I thnk it's a bug I really do.. or like the CEO said.. it's a unique thing, which I highly doubt.

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Well Creston, looks like there is another person here who has experienced the same thing. And what Im curious to know is why it is so difficult for you to understand 'I can touch one trooper and he dies, I can touch another one thats still alive and he doesnt'. Don't be such a smartass. Obviously you dont know everything about the game so maybe you shouldnt be so quick to act like you do.


By the way....einstein....I've read several complaints from users experiencing problems under Windows XP. Well I run XP and have no problems running the game what-so-ever. How do you explain that one? Oh yeah, I somehow magically have a copy that differs from everyone elses but this time its in my favor...right? Dork.

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I see it still remains hard for some people to remain civil on this board, and I'm sure you'll get LOTS of people wanting to help you this way Game CEO.


Notice what Hyper Drone says :


"I've noticed though if you go straight up to a stormtrooper and touch him with your saber it doesn't hurt him.. he just goes owe ouch owe ee blah blah blah..


but if you strike him once with your light saber then touch him with your lightsaber he will die instantly... "



Those are two very different circumstances.


But good luck in figuring it out!



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Creston... Have you read all the words in my post? If so, do you suffer from a comprehension handicap or something? Did I mention swinging the saber at all? No, I referenced simply touching an enemy. Obviously you are no kind of authority on the subject so how about you just accept the fact that you, again, obviously, dont know everything about this game. What do you think, its bug free? Give me a break.


Since you insist on acting like you have it all figured out then explain why some XP users are experiencing a wide range of different problems with the game and I have experienced NO problems of any kind.


And lastly, about the 'being civil' comment. I called you a smartass because thats exactly what you were being in your reply. If you are sensative about something as petty as that, I think you are going to have a much harder time with internet message forums than I am.

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I have experianced something similar. I never knew about the realistic combat that you can turn on in the console. But when I played through the game, some enemies that I touched with the lightsabre died and some didn't. Maybe it is a bug, I'm not sure. It'd be nice if someone from Raven said something about this.

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This is what happens when stores sell a TEEN rated game to someone who doesn't meet the age requirements...they honestly should ID everyone so that kids like this don't get on the boards...


Never in my game, not ONCE, did I simply TOUCH a trooper and have him die...I would think, maybe, MAYBE, just once, it COULD happen that the saber touches the trooper in the head, the easiest place to kill someone, and the trooper died in one touch...


But IMO, there's no reason to cry about it...I'm sure the next Jedi Knight game will fix this "bug" for all the children out there...

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Speaking of dismemberment, the higher you set the number after cg_saberRealisticCombat, the more parts that can be chopped off. I have mine set to 99 (I think 100 is the max). You can chop people in half, decapitate, dismember and all kinds of crazy stuff. what a cool game. I'm not a sicko, but to me, that's what a light saber is supposed to do. hehe. :D

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