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There is an object on a collison course with Earth?


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Guest Supreme Warlord

I dont think we will be here for the in 800 hundred years because I think Revelation will happen before that happens. So...eh... However if Revelation dont happen and we are still around...We will blow it out of the sky. We would be like Captain Picard...Except a whole lot more advance because it was only 2410 when that Star Trek was aired. their years of course. so hehehehe.

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I was just relaying what I saw on cnn.com under their space link. Now we are all about Dubya's nuke policy and hugging trees. I was just asking a question to see what others think. Personally I feel that man will be around, but the question is will it be as it is now with seperate countries and all that. I doubt it hopefully we will have evolved by then and know that divided we cannot stand. Which means there will be one government for the whole planet, kinda like Star Trek.



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