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Stuck at end of Artus Topside...


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Ok, i have no idea what im doing wrong here or if this is a bug.




Im on the 3rd from the bottom set of steps, i just flipped the switch, went back up and blew away the Ion Cannons, then went back into the room with all the elevator things, and went to the door specified. But its RED and locked! What am i doing wrong here, i threw some bombs at the door and heard the enemy on the other side talking.


Any ideas? I really wanna get my light saber ;)

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A wierd thing happened, instead of running by the 2nd AT-ST, i ran all the way back to the Gun turret near the Prisoners..i kept luring it towards the guns. Then i ran up to the guns and the stupid AT-ST was gone, went back down. Gone..so i went on my merry way..could that be the problem? I hope i dont have to do the whole level over again, but i think i may just do that tonight...

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I know there is a stupid scripting bug in this level (in fact, the whole level is scripted stupidly) that prevents Jan from landing if you haven't killed all the AT-ST's, which sounds as if it's happening here.


I'd recommend starting the level over again yeah.. Sorry :(



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