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That ONE last secret...


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Hey all,


Well, I'm finally up to the point where I've gotten all secrets except for the everpresent one elusive last secret.


It's on the level where you drive the AT_ST. I've found the secret in the first ruins on the left, where you have to go inside, then jump up a few times to get to the loot, and I've found the one that's opposite from a few turbolaser turrets, where you have to make an impossible jump to get into a cave, which also exits onto a plateau where a rocket trooper is.


So WHERE is that third one? Anybody can tell me, and I'll be mightily obliged and in your debt :)


Thanks in advance.





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Hi Creston,


The third secret (or I should say the first one) is right at the beginning of the level before you get in the first AT-ST. Turn around and go inside the pod and you'll find what looks like an elevator lift in the centre post. Step on it and it won't go up. But look up and you'll see three levels. You can jump to the first two easily, but to get to the secret, you have to jump to the third one, which has a glass floor.


I'm trying to find the second secret in the Yavin Swamp level. I've found the secret in the lake (with a sentry gun, detenator belt and seeker ball) after the big wall with the shield recharge generator and various ammo. But I haven't found the other one. It's the only secret I have yet to find.


Anyways, I hope this helps.

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Hi Imcivor, you are turning out to be my real hero, thanks a lot! :)


I had an awful time trying to find that second one in the Yavin swamps, but I did find it eventually.


After the clearing where the crashed assault pod is, you have to swim through a small tunnel to get into the next little clearing (it's the smallest clearing in the level, only 2 or so troopers in it).

From that clearing you have to jump up on some rocks, and go through a gap in the rocks to get to the next section.

In order to get to the next section, you have to fall down a little cliff face (and there is a swamp trooper there shooting at you).


Now, before you fall down that cliff face, turn to the right (if you are facing the drop), and you'll notice that you can jump up a slab of rock, and follow it for a bit. Once you've reached the end of that slab, there is a small section you can crawl into that has a shield boost. That is the secret.


There is something funny in Yavin swamps btw, I have found two more areas that should by all rights be called a secret, or at least one of them.


If you go to the first clearing (after facing the first set of shadowtroopers), there is one rock which sticks out from the rest a bit. You can use force jump3 to jump up to just behind it, which will let you slide down quite a ways and then move into a little area totally behind the rock (and definitely hidden from view) which holds a shieldboost and a thermal detonator belt (if I'm not mistaken). Then to get out, you have to repeat the jump, only this time to the other side, and you'll pop out from behind that rock on the other side.


If that isn't a secret, I don't know what is, and for a long time I was convinced that that level just didn't give you the credit for the secret.


Hope that helps, in any case :)





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