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Lando & I are getting owned escaping...


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It depends a little on the difficulty level. One thing that I found works well is to drop a few explosive charges near the big entrance door. Then, when the second group of enemies charges in through that door, you can blow all of them to kingdom come with a simple push of the button. Setting a few trip mines near the other door (BEFORE you go into the hangar) is a good idea too.


Force speeds with the repeater alt fire works well too.


But yes, it IS an annoying combat, especially on Jedi Knight and *ggrrnngggg* Jedi Master difficulty levels. You'd think Lando is smart enough to at least find cover..



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This was the hardest part of the game IMO. I took me the longest to get past this part of ALL the parts. Tavion and Desann? cake compared to saving Lando's a$$. Sooooo frustrating.


Like Cresten said, Force speed is a must and I also tripped mined the entrance to the hanger. I used alt-fire thermal detonators until I was out and the sabre thereafter.


Good Luck.

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