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How do I get access to Grip in Multi Player


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I've been playing Multiplayer for just over a day, love the game. Just trying to get used to the Force commands. I don't seem to be able to configure my setup so that I have grip or lighting. Which force powers (in the configure force points area) do these represent - is it a combo?


Are their any resources listig the various point combos and what they can achieve


Appretiate any thoughts



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..u see in multiplayer there are three kinds of force...

first one is free for all , that is push, pull, speed, saber attack, saber block, saber throw and sight (u need sight even if u don t know it from sp it is a must)


second one is the bright force, that is healing, absorbation, shield and mind trick (...what u need sight for if ur enemy uses it)


third one is what u are searching for ... the dark (lame) side of force... it includes force grib (...most effective when enmy has no force energy left (same is about push and pull and enemies with no force energy can t block and are less effective in close combat)), lightning ,rage (bull****) and leech... (the most lamest skill at all... it steals enemies energy (see.. what i ve writen about grib ...) and heals u with it^^)


so u have to choose in force configuration what side of force u choose... but don t start as another darkside lamer...


play fair guys... the interesting side at jk 2 are the great saber fights... not running away from ur enemy and stealing him force energy without lettig him a chance... this playstyle is lame and dismotivating for others...



so who cares?

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No wait.... where did you find that setup? I am stuck in the same situation against players with higher force powers. I know they aren't just getting the Holocrons before I do, cause they spawn with the powers. But I got nothing but Push and Pull.


Yes, I love Saber duels too. But the game has more than that, and I don't want to get fragged every two seconds because I can't compete. I'd rather saber duel, but I need to at least access those good powers? How did you do it, Talsworthy?


Thanks in advance,



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