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Technique for Killing Reborn


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I have a technique for killing the orange-hooded Reborn. When I see one, naturally, I get the lightsaber out if it's not already out. I let the Reborn hop around like a spring a bit, then get into a saber lock with him. Usually my Saber Offense is stronger, so I push him down. Then I look down and hack away at him. It works on just about every saber-weilding enemy that has a lower Saber Offense than me, except Desann because he's too darn strong. I think it should work for you too. Also, an oddity: I managed to Mind Trick an orange-hooded Reborn I spawned with the "npc spawn" code, and he ran off and started slaughtering other enemies before the Mind Trick wore off and he came back, madder than ever. Is this a bug, did I imagine this from too much Jedi Outcast-playing, or am I in incredible luck?

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no, it's called mind trick level 3, it will temporarily switch npc's to your side.


"entering saber lock" with your opponent sounds really easy, but it really isn't, because it's a pretty random thing as far as I can tell, and there ARE lots of other (and better) ways to kill those Reborn :)



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whats this?


.. u can just kill him when he is lying on the ground?

what a jedi are u?

...where is ur fairness?

let him stand up and fight him with honor and not like u discribed... i already wrote in another thread.. THE MAIN POINT of jk 2 are the increadible saber fights... so enjoy them !

and stop laming against npcs too

there are enough mp lamers already


..btw: u don t need a blocklock for getting someone down... one forcepush is enough...



so who cares?

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I've been practicing with the npc spawn cheat to set up battles against the reborn, and I've found that with the lower level fighters you can typically just let them perform a force jump toward you, perform a sidestep slash and kill then in one hit (normally removing their legs if you have dismemberment on full).


The tougher ones also fall for this too, but Tavion and Desann are too fast and maneuverable to catch like this.


Also, the Reborn cannot control their sabres like you can at level 3, so if you can avoid the thrown sabre, you can simply throw your own while they are unarmed and take off a few limbs....

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Originally posted by Cheesy

Also, the Reborn cannot control their sabres like you can at level 3, so if you can avoid the thrown sabre, you can simply throw your own while they are unarmed and take off a few limbs....



Yes, and actually this works against Tavion and Desann as well. Sidestep their thrown saber (preferably with Force Speed, as you'll have more time), move forward a little, throw your own saber, and chop them.

Since they'll see YOUR saber coming at them, they will frantically call their own saber back to be able to block it, thus allowing you to remain unscathed.

This works SO well, that I think it might actually be a little flaw in the AI. Or perhaps Tavion and Desann needed at least ONE weakness :)



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Actually, I've noticed that the "rebornboss" (red hood and purple arms) and "rebornfencer" (green hood) put up a better fight than the regular orange-hooded Reborn. And I'm not showing the Reborn honor because they aren't true Jedi: they never trained, and never did anything real Jedi had to do to reach their ranks. They just were given the power of the Valley of the Jedi and poof: they're Reborn. Besides, there's a lot more of them than there are me. The Shadowtroopers and non-orange-hooded Reborn put up better fights anyways, and then I get the spectacular lightsaber duels and, a few minutes later, dead Shadowtroopers and Reborn. Although Desann was pretty clever to do that. If Jerec did that, Jedi Knight would be a lot harder to win...


The only reason I spawn npcs is because I've already beaten the game and am waiting for more people to go out and buy this incredible game so I can go get my butt kicked on Multiplayer. Before that happens though, this npc spawn code will save my sanity. Or, rather, what's left of it...


For example, I went to the pit level (and I have no idea what it's for, but apparently you're supposed to kick Tavion's butt, and then nothing happens after she croaks) and spawned a bunch of AT-STs, Stormtroopers, Reborn, and their scum and villainy, with the AI disabled so I wouldn't have to kill them while I was spawning their pals. Then I found my way up to that walkway overhead (thank you Noclip) and spawned a few pitiful Jedi. After reenabling the AI, I found Reborn leaping up there (no fair, they get a better Force jump than I do) and then falling off.




Sorry, I had to add that...


Anyways, usually, as long as I stay in front of an enemy, I can drag a saber lock out of him. However, because I prefer the medium stance, it might be different for those who use different stances.


And, I meant fighting enemies using a higher saber offense but without a high-rank Force push. Besides, those little pests can still block several pushes.

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hehe, I think the npc spawn feature is one of the most loved features of the entire game. Everyone's going crazy with it :)


Can't wait for the SDK to come out so hopefully some enterpreneurial (sic?) folks will come up with some cool single player maps.


(I enjoy the multiplayer, but it REALLY needs better saber combat, and some balance tweaking, imho)



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Does anyone have any tips for killing the reborn early on in the game - ie on bespin. I can always take them down eventually but sometimes it takes ages and sometimes its a short battle.


I know you can use force speed but that seems a bit of a cop out.



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