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need help:stuck in artmis mine


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Yes, I know it's early to get stuck, but sometimes I can't see the forest for the trees. So, I am in the mine. I have killed everything and everybody. . . But I cannot find a way to hop onto the loaders. I have tried everything. Is there a stairway I am missing? How do I destroy those heat pannels? Is there a grate I am missing. Or how about a tunnel. I go into that room when the loader arrives and get toasted. Help would be greatly appreciated.



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You need to go outside, find those 2 prong like things sticking out of the ledge.. walk out onto one of them.. wait a while and something will come out underneath you, jump down on it and CROUCH! It will pull you underneath onto a ledge...

You need to get inside that tube and quickly get to the end until you come to a small room (that contains the generator)

Shoot the 4 red tubes on the walls (2 on each side) and then the red forcefield comes down around the generator.. shoot the generator.

Everything still works, but you won't die anymore when the carts refuel... you need to get on the generator and use it like an elevator to take you to that big room where the carts refuel.. climb up on of the cuvred support pillars on the sides and you should be able to jump on a cart from there... remember to CROUCH while you ride the cart or you might fall off..


(many people have posted similar problems, this one seems quite common, just read a few of the other posts and you will get your solution... you should find them easily enough:) )


Anyways, hope this helps!:D





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