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Game will not get past detect ing CPU in MP-START.EXE


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Hey all. I have a p4 2 gig 500 DDR ram, sb live platinum, cable internet through at&t broadband. I am running windows XP professional. I installed the game. single player ROCKS!!!! but When i try to start a multi-player... it brings up that little console for a sec, then the game crashes with a microsoft error message to send a error report to microsoft. then the game crashes to desk top.


my brother can play a multi-player with his store bought copy also, but he always gets some stupid CL_Parse Packet Entity problem then his game crashes. WTF??? I called Lucasarts tech support and they gave me the runaround. It isnt in there hands this has happened with other games too they say. and they dont forsee any patch for this in the neer future.


All in all, I just wanna play online along with all you peeps out there. Does anyone else know anything about this error/crash problem??

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I have uninstalled and completely re-installed this game 3 times and i can not get past the initialization console. stupid XP error report message and BOOM crash city. WTF??? PLease help me!

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Same thing happening here. Are you overclocked? I'm running a p4 1.6a @ 2.4 I can run prime, 3d mark 2001, seti, etc looping for days without a crash. However, I get the MP error. The only way to play is to take my 1.6a down to its default speed. I even get the error @ 1.65!! Its almost like the MP detects that your cpu isn't running stock speed and crashes. Naturally it doesn't happen in single player.....damn POS!!! So, if you ARE overclocking, try dropping the cpu back down and it should work. If not, then I know it isn't just me......

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I am having the same problem.....running a xp1700+ .....the only way i can play is if I down clock my cpu to 1100....but my chip is not overclocked and it still does this. What I don't understand is that where I bought the game they had it on display running the mp on a setup the same as mine except it had 512ddr and i have 256ddr. Any help would be great!!

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Same "CL_parse..." crashing error in multiplayer. I would expect that the nice people at Lucasarts are working their asses off to get a patch of some sort to fix this considering how many people have this problem. I use the term "nice" very loosely. :mad:


XP 1600+

Radeon 8500

512 Mb DDR

Gigabyte 7VTXH Mobo

Win XP Pro

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  • 10 months later...

Im itching to throw the cd at the neighbour's dog due to this overwhelmingly annoying error, please stop me from harming the poor creature.

I too made the mistake of moving to xp.

amd thunderbird 1.1

riva TNT2 model 64

and all that.


has anyone come up with a solution to this problem?

I think i tinkered with every possible parameter, I tried running it with win98 compatibility, nothing.


please, help us :[

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