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Sith Warrior and Darth Maul


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Ok, here are the screenshots of the 2 skins iv been working on. Before I created these, I hadn't worked on a skin since the original quake.






Both skins are finished, I just need somewhere to upload them.



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Just something I thought of while I was looking at the pics. Most people who release skins do not put bot support in with them (as far as I can see so far) and the few that have added bot support, or released their own bots, have terribly messed up by not doing it right (replacing bots.txt is not the right way, I believe there is a post officially from RAVEN about how to do it right somewhere on this forum.)


Just wondering if most people plan to add bot support? I was planning on it, but wanted to get my website done and uploaded before releasing any of them....


See yas later...



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Originally posted by Octavius

Just something I thought of while I was looking at the pics. Most people who release skins do not put bot support in with them (as far as I can see so far) and the few that have added bot support, or released their own bots, have terribly messed up by not doing it right (replacing bots.txt is not the right way, I believe there is a post officially from RAVEN about how to do it right somewhere on this forum.)


Just wondering if most people plan to add bot support? I was planning on it, but wanted to get my website done and uploaded before releasing any of them....


See yas later...




..i think you are thinking of a new model ... the bot will behave as the reborn, just with a new skin .. am i right anyone? :fett:

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nope, you're not ;)

as it stands, you can't play against him (in multiplayer that is, he's not replacing the original reborn skin for SP if that's what you thought) if you're playing against bots.

if you want a bot to wear this skin, you'll need to create a bot for it.


Not that i'm behind bots for every skin.

in q3 i found it to be annoying when the bot list had grown to epical proportions.

also, there's a limit for these things, and if you haev too many bots, it'll stop displaying the oens you install after you've reached and breached this limit.

oh well, suppose it's a matter of taste.


i on the one hand prefer creating bots for the skins i want bots for, but i can just as easily delete the bots that come with skin i don't want them for.


the point is though, i don't really care wether there are bots or not.


but i'd love other people to comment on this.

a matter of knowing wether i should or should not include bots for my skins.



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...but can't you just take the default reborn, and replace it with this one? .. i just want the reborn to look like this guy.. y is that so difficult?


i am really illiterate when it comes to quake3 engine, coming from HL i have a tendancy of thinking that everything is the same as HL ... mes stupid

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Adding bot support for a new skin is fairly simple. But before it can be done you must change a couple of things.


First, lets take your maul skin and work on that.

1. Rename the reborn directory in your pk3 to maul.

2. Copy model.glm, animsounds.cfg, and sounds.cfg from your reborn directory in your assets0.pk3 file into your new maul directory.

3. Rename icon_default_maul.jpg to icon_default.jpg.

4. Rename model_default_maul.skin to model_default.skin

5. Change all the directories in your model_default.skin to point to /maul/texture.tga instead of /reborn/texture.tga


Now that has moved your maul model out of the reborn directory and into it own directory. Now how to add bot support.


1. Create a maul.bot text file in a 'scripts' directory at the same level as the 'models' directory. So in your case for the Maul skin, make a file called maul.bot and in the file add the following:



name "Darth_Maul"

model maul

color1 0

personality /botfiles/Reborn.jkb



Then save it into a 'scripts' directory at the same level as the 'models' directory and you will have bot support w/o wiping out other peoples bot skins.


A couple of notes on this file: the name cannot have spaces in it, the model is the directory where you have your skin and models, the color1 is the color of the lightsaber for the bot (0 is red, 4 is blue, thats all I know), and the personality file defines how the bot acts (force powers, etc.)


You can make your own personality file for your bot by copying the reborn.jkb to a new maul.jkb, then you could edit certain bot properties to make them unique. If you do create a new personality file, then put that file into a 'botfiles' directory at the same directory level as the 'models' and the 'scripts' directory and change the personality line in your maul.bot file to the new personality file.


One final thing I saw was that your Maul model uses a tga file that is in your sith_reborn pk3. Maybe this was a type-o, but obviously this is not a good idea b/c if someone doesn't d/l both skins their Maul will have a see through stomach.


Now to add bot support for your sith skin then just follow the same directions but use a new directory, sith for example.


If you have any questions about what I said, just ask. I already converted your Maul skin to have bot support on my PC so I know it works.

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Thanks for pointing the torso bug out to me, I missed it when I went through the file. I've fixed it and I'll post here again when it has been uploaded to the site.


Now, I'm going to try adding bot support. Thanks for that info too.



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