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The End, Maybe its just my opinion but,

Dirakan Monah

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No one necessarily said Tavion was still a Dark Jedi. She was the apprentice, Desann the master. She did whatever our favorite Dark Jedi Barney (I like that Sunshine, you're right) told her to do. Hmmm...Tavion on the loose...time to put those feeble author skills to work! There are a few Dark Forces-specific fanfics out there, so now I shall add to the fandom! *insert dramatic five-minute evil laugh, complete with the pinky at the corner of the mouth* As for an expansion or altogether sequel, perhaps they could send Kyle on a trip through time; the most powerful Dark Jedi/Sith of the past are back and threaten to destroy the New Republic. (Now going to list all the Evil Force-Using People I know of) So Kyle can face off with Exar Kun, Kueller, and Freedon Nadd, battle alongside Luke against Darth Maul, face the Seven Dark Jedi from JK1 (I always wanted to see Jerec and Boc, the guy with the two lightsabers,depicted in JK2 engine) again, battle Emperor Palpatine, his old pal Desann possibly, and finally, a showdown with Darth Vader himself! Now THAT would be cool.


Patch, I suppose Tavion is kind of cute, in a polygonal computer-generated sense, but...oh, forget it.


Anyways, Tavion is an interesting character because you learn next to nothing about her, unlike Desann, whose life story is told by Luke on Yavin IV. With Kyle sparing her, it can open up a range of possibilites: she may be evil and go to the Valley of the Jedi to soak up huge Force energy, or she might go legit and, perhaps, try to reconcile with our favorite blue-lightsaber-wielding Jedi?


I still like my Send-Kyle-Through-The-Annals-Of-History idea though...


Anyways, I'm off to write a Jedi Outcast fanfic, now that I've contributed my senselessness to this big pot of...um...stuff.

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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

Hmmm, ya know what p!sses me off!?

-In the JK][ trailor movie, a scene shows a dark figure draw a red saber ontop the orange Bespin platform then you hear Vaders voice saying "I sense you Jedi" and it ends. Whereas, nowhere in the game you come across Vader! -Thats misleading advertising if ya ask me.



uhh... check again. that was not Vader's voice.

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Originally posted by Jedith

Ya think that's easy?


Fight him without Force Speed like the guy said. I've tried it, Desann killed me so many times cus of that. And he's mad cheap. I must have fought him for over a hour before I landed a good kill on him.



I just finished my run through on Jedi Master without Force Speed (although I HAD to use it in the jedi academy, there is no way I can see that you can fight six Reborn / shadowtroopers without SOME kind of help :) (and yes I know about being able to Pull the other jedi students with you, but they died rather quickly)), and Desann on Master diff without Force Speed is one bad Barney. I fought him a few dozen times just for fun, I manage to win about 33% now, mostly with the wait for saber throw, then sidestep and throw yourself trick though (plus I had realistic combat on).



Heh, and if you want to see crap endings, try Medal of Honor Allied Assault. You get into the final train taking you out of Fort Schmerzen, and then you get a nice black screen which says "The End". Electronic Arts can :swear: my :swear: :swear:

At least there was a nice little ending to this game. (Ofcourse, Raven usually does do a rather nice ending).


The only endings that I REALLY like are those of the final fantasy series. Seeing a 15 minute ending just rules.



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