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Need hosting for pics and file for "black light saber"


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Hey FrogLeggs,


My buddy and I are trying to re-color a saber. We can't seem to keep the file size the same as the originals. How did you do it? Do you have a tutorial on it you could send? Or, give us a quick run-down of how to do it if it isn't too difficult? Thanks:)

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Hey, cool. I am working on the sabers as well. So if you have figured out a way to add the blur and glow color of the sabers, so you can change the 5 standards, please let me know.

I didn't find a way to do it, and as far as i know it is not in the shaders.

But keep on trying, maybe i missed somethin'

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look in the cgame.qvm and ui.qvm.


it is kinda off a skin file for the whole game data.


Look for somthn like this in the files and add to it ..

gfx/effects/forcePush gfx/effects/saberDamageGlow powerups/ysalimarishell gfx/effects/saberFlare gfx/damage/rivetmark gfx/effects/yellow_glow gfx/effects/sabers/saberBlur gfx/effects/sabers/purple_line gfx/effects/sabers/purple_glow gfx/effects/sabers/blue_line gfx/effects/sabers/blue_glow gfx/effects/sabers/green_line gfx/effects/sabers/green_glow gfx/effects/sabers/yellow_line gfx/effects/sabers/yellow_glow gfx/effects/sabers/orange_line gfx/effects/sabers/black_glow gfx/effects/sabers/black_line gfx/effects/sabers/orange_glow




see what i am saying.

let us know if you get it to work.





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I've found the cgame.qvm and ui.qvm, too, but there is no way of editing them, just with a hexeditor, and you can't add any lines, just replace word which have the same amount of characters.

And if you change this it makes no difference for the glow and blur color.

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