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Imperial Royal Guard, DH:Crimson Empire Style


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The Blood red Battle Armor from The Crimson Empire Series.


Makes the IRG look oh so much more deadly.


or the Black Battle Armor style on the bad guy in Crimson Empire.



Idea gotten from a Poll about what characters form the universe modeld, user posted about seing a Crimson ver. Guard, Trying to get it out of the post thread.



Go ahead, Flame, Fire no bother

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I suggested it actually, in 4 forums in several threads.


It was ME who said it, Crimson Imperial Royal Guard, however you wanna re-arrange those in order, or take some out.


I have COMICS on them! Crimson guard.


Its sweet anyhow, and my primary character model idea. Now we dont have cloth physics, so we cant have their robe on. But their underlieing battlearmor is similair to the troopers in the game (shadow trooper) and the helm is the best.



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Simplex- I have those same comics from DH, Non-TPB.


but about the Guardsmen, True that their Cerimonial robes wont be able to be done, but the rest could. but unfortunatly i doubt it will.


although i was thiking of recoloring the StormTroopers, but that would be shoody, and not look right.


Both Kir Kanos AND Carnor Jax (had to look up their names, Red and Black versions.

would like to see done

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