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Stop whining about force drain...


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If you don't suck then force drain is not a problem, I used to play Light all the time..and I'll tell you absorb is in the game for a reason!!! But then you say "but it runs out", then I say "kill them before it runs out" but you say "but they run" then I say "use force pull for ****s sake" then what do you say??


Also, rocket spammers aren't a big deal either..did you know you can shoot a rocket and it blow up mid flight?? or you can force push it and sometimes send it hurling the opposite direction??

Be adaptive, dont complain, and most important of all: have fun..


I am the master of run on sentences..



Also, I haven't really experimented with this yet, but does anyone know a way to counter the imperial repeaters alt fire (the blue ball of doom) as a jedi with a saber?? It hurts like a *****, and is hard to dodge..usually I'll just take out a gun and blast someone using one of those..but I'd rather stick to my saber :)

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"You lost all credit right here. Thanks for the utterly idiotic post."


How do I lose my credit there?? It's a blunt statement but a very true one. Anyone who has an ounce of knowledge of the game knows how to avoid it. So please, stfu. I may be blunt but I'm not an idiot.


Thanks for the advice LTJ, I've never actually tried to force push the blue balls but hey it's a worth a shot : )

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Drain is very hard to counter, but still it's the only thing that heals a dark jedi. It's there for a good reason, maybe very minor tweaks but don't complain too much. Absorb is as powerful as drain - nobody can push u off cliffs nor steal ur weapon. Drain is just more offensive - like a dark jedi.


The blue things can be countered with push, and you need really good reactions and timing, or good prediction when the guy will shoot. You're really unlikely to kill him with his own bolts though. Block/push when ur faraway, and pull/steal when ur close.


Love this game.

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mIRC's reading comprehension score: 0


My point was that it is indeed counterable. First off, it does jack to a dark jedi's hp from far away, he'll gain maybe 10 at most..up close though it goes up much quicker... But even more importantly is the fact that absorb makes you immune, and gives you a little force to boot (assuming they use it on you anyway)





Thanks for the advice about the push, I used it and it worked very nicely..just not in close quarters=\ Still funny as hell to see someone shooting the repeater/missiles at you, then see the missile/blueball turn around and hit him instead hehe

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Originally posted by Kulador

mIRC's reading comprehension score: 0


My point was that it is indeed counterable. First off, it does jack to a dark jedi's hp from far away, he'll gain maybe 10 at most..up close though it goes up much quicker... But even more importantly is the fact that absorb makes you immune, and gives you a little force to boot (assuming they use it on you anyway)



sure it's counterable. but it's still bloody overpowered as it is.


it bloody drains all my power in like a split second if im close to them. and anyone that says absorb can help you counter it is a total lamer.


any idiot with fingers that work and a half assed brain can learn to drain when absorb isn't on wears off. the problem is drain just drains way too fast, and that is what is making it overpowered.

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hey 'any idiot can learn how to use drain'


Well that may be true but turning on absorb and using insta healing force isn't all that hard either.


Drain isn't overpowered sure it could be tweaked some, but same can be said for Absorb. Also healing is definately over powered should be more like in SP not instantly

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Originally posted by Kulador

But even more importantly is the fact that absorb makes you immune, and gives you a little force to boot (assuming they use it on you anyway)



NO IT DOES NOT. Absorb does not allow the user to gain Force Power when Drain is used on them. None. Zilch. Nada. All it does is disallow ADDITIONAL force drain to occur, and blocks the gaining of health of the Drainer.


The only time Absorb gains the user Force power is when DAMAGE is being dealt via a Force power. This means it gains you health if someone uses Lightning on you, or if you turn on Absorb after someone starts Gripping you.


Note that if you have it on when someone STARTS to Grip you, all that happens is the effect is blocked, and no Force Power is gained by the Absorb user.


As far as us "sucking" too much to counter Drain, I think what's sucking is the people you are playing against that are using Drain on YOU. Hell, I don't even think you need much talent to force a Saber Only duel into a stalemate with rank 3 Drain... even if they don't win all the time.


Here's my "stop doing something post".


Stop telling us to stop whining when you do not even know what the force powers DO.



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Originally posted by Sartis

hey 'any idiot can learn how to use drain'


Well that may be true but turning on absorb and using insta healing force isn't all that hard either.


Drain isn't overpowered sure it could be tweaked some, but same can be said for Absorb. Also healing is definately over powered should be more like in SP not instantly


I think the main problem is that when people are griping about Drain, they aren't explaining in what scenario it is overpowered. The ONLY time that Drain is over powered is in Saber/Force Only combat. At all other times, it's perfectly balanced... all it does is allow Dark Side to heal some, and removes some of the target's functionality (they can still pull out a gun and kill the Drain user with relative ease if they have one).


Absorb is very useful but it isn't overpowered like it was in JK1, mainly because:


1) You glow bright blue to warn others from even wasting force power trying to mess with you.


2) It's much harder to pull weapons in this game since all a player needs to do to keep their weapon is have more force power than the puller... and since Absorb is taking quite a bit of force power away at a decent rate, this isn't always going to work in the Absorber's favor.


3) Drain doesn't give Absorb any Force regeneration (which at this point I think would fix Drain... but frankly I like the fact that it doesn't work... I'd rather they nerf Drain than make Absorb better).


4) Grip does not give Absorber's any force powers if the Absorber has it on when the Grip is attempted... it only works if the Absorber turns it on after a Grip is already in progress.


This isn't some knee-jerk reaction to me getting stomped by a few people because I'm a "newbie"... this is a careful analysis of the effects of Drain in the scope of the multiplayer game. I've been analysing games for a very long time... professionally for the last year in fact.


I'd love for someone to SHOW me how to counter Drain without just using Drain themselves and getting lucky with a couple of Strong Saber swings, because I haven't seen it.



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When someone starts to drain me up close I give them a heavy hit and they die... just be ready. There are names in MP and you'll quickly find out who uses drain all the time. When they drain they cannot defend at all and a heavy hit will make them think twice about doing it... if they do it again the next heavy hit will kill them for sure. If you have absorb just turn it on the secon they start draining you. Absorb can be toggled on and off you know ;)


The blue balls and the repeater alt fire can be pushed... the rate of fire is so high that you will only be able to pust every second or third shot. Hard as hell and you will likely get killed. I'm a saber only guy and I usually push their first shot and the I run off. The most annoying kind of gun users are those who stand away from saber fights and kills the Jedis fighting. It's not possible to defend against these guys when you don't see the shots. There are quite a great deal of gun users who play like this... that is the only whoring in the game... but well people can play as they like - they won't ruin my fun.


Lightning is pretty insane on lvl3 but absorb works fine.


IMO the game is fairly well balanced but if the game were tweaked just a bit it would be perfect.


:jawa Canis

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It's as I've stated many times before.


One lightside jedi vs. one darkside jedi, it's relatively balanced.


But, if you get into just about any server on the 'net, it'll be one lightside jedi vs. eight darksiders who run around doing nothing but drain/lightning/grip over and over and over and over again.


Absorb can only last for so long if they are smart enough to not use grip/lightning on you while you have it active.


The mass number of darksiders multiplies the problem...and the problem is, it just drains too fast. If someone hits you with it, say, from behind where you can't see them (so you smartasses can't say "well just turn on absorb before they get you, duh"), all of your mana WILL be gone before you can react, especially if you are fighting someone else at the time, which is usually the case in FFA.


And yes, it's mainly an issue in saber-only, but it doesn't make life any easier even with guns. ;)

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The ONLY time that Drain is over powered is in Saber/Force Only combat.


Important enough to quote.


In the FFA world, if someone keeps draining, hit absorb and use the blaster/repeater/flechette/whatever. He can't protect himself, so he's dead.


Now, if you want to take a balanced game and then remove minor details like THE GUNS, well yeah, some powers are going to get more powerful.



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I think the changes I'd like to see is the removing of absorb's glow OR allow players to gain force from ANY power used against them when its on. At the moment if you counter drain with it you don't get any force.


Absorb is actually a very powerful force. Don't forget, that activating it makes you immune to the enemy's powers but still allows you to use your own.


Just as a side note, there seems to be somewhat of a delay between putting it on and having it working so to speak. Numerous times I've been gripped and switched on absorb but it takes a second or two for the grip to be lost, by which time I can be over the edge of a cliff (I'd use push, but they way players run around you makes it a pain locking on to the individual). May be this is purely a lag probably, but it is certainly annoying.


As for drain, just tone it down a tad. It is too damn quick. I think it is even the quickest force in the game.

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My problem with drain, is that most people I see use it don't use it to up their health. They use it to drain a group of people's force and then while they're unprotected, they push them all off a cliff. At those times, the drain user could care jack about health. All he wants are cheap easy kills. That's where I see it wrong. I see 2 or 3 people dueling it out with sabers, and in comes l33troxor_18 and cheap shots them all. That sucks. And people that do that need to learn to use the saber. Half the people I see don't even try to fight with wepons. They just run up to you (mostly behind you) with their saber undrawn and just drain you then grip you off a cliff. Some people really need to learn to fight.

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The people who passively accept being drained and gripped off cliffs are the ones who need to learn to fight. It's one thing for a drainer to get the drop on you, it's another to just sit there and not even defend.



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I never said I didn't defend myself, but how do defend from a grip when I don't have and force to defend with? And you also completely missed my point about people who are just dueling out with sabers, and in comes some lamer who drains all their force and pushes them off cliffs. It's impossible to defend against something when you don't have the necissary power to defend. You can't push a grip when you haven't recovered from the drain used 5 seconds earlier. people who use drain, grip and push exclusevly need to find better tactics.

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Probably the BEST thing to do, is cut down on how fast it drains the force. I think that would be the BEST way to balance it. If you are near, and they hit you for 1 second or less... you loose ALL of your force... and then they grip you, and you have lost. There is absolutely NO defense to something like that. I know you can toggle absorb, and I know the tricks... but drain just hit so fast. I would have no problem with drain, draining about 1/4 as fast, but buff up the heal speed. Force healing is fine, but in the middle of battle, you don't always notice you are low on health.

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Originally posted by Kulador

Force push only takes about 1 blue of power, use that if they grip you..doesn't take long to regen that much.



Egad... STOP TALKING. Force push takes exactly 3 of the 14 Force Bars on your HUD. Why even argue if you aren't even close to sure about something?


Did a little stopwatch action for some numbers. To regenerate from 0 force to full force, it takes very, very close to exactly 24 seconds (unfortuantely I had to use Freewatch.exe since I don't have a good stopwatch here, and this meant that I had to bring down the console in windowed mode and hit start on the Freewatch... so there may be less than .5 second mistake here).


Divide that by 14 (the number of Force Bars you have) and you get 1.7142 regeneration time per bar. Times three you get 5.1428 seconds. So that's how long it takes you to go from zero to 3 bars (enough for a push).


After someone drains you completely, they will have enough for a full dose of Grip (which is around 4 seconds). From what I can tell against a bot while I was in God mode only doing damage to him

with Grip, it took about 3 full "grab sessions" to kill the bot (with 100 health).


So basically you can do a full grip on the person with no possibility for a return attack for 4 seconds, and right before they get enough force to do another push, they flash you with a bit of Drain to take it all away again.


This is just poor. I wouldn't even be surprised if Drain actually had the wrong rate of force decrease in the code at this point... I thought I hated Drain before, now I completely detest it.



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