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What this game needs!!


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1st off its a great game, im a hardcore multiplayer .. and i havent had so much fun since the early days of Rainbow 6 :)


What I like so far:

-Decent Grafics

-Great Sound

-Saber Fights

-Force Powers

-Maps where u can fall down

-u need some real skill to be good


What I dislike so far:

-heavy guns (ya i mostly play on saber only servers, but i like normal guns, just not those heavy grenade like stuff)

-Limitation of Saber Moves in Multiplayer (ill explain it later)

-no real double bladed saber cause of no extra moves/animations

-missing counterstrike like round based team fights (would be better for ladders)




ok now some text. i played quite a lot now and im getting the high scores on every server i play on (maybe i didnt find the expert servers yet) and i must say that i only use 2-3 different saber moves. i use the slow/hard stance and do the heavy horiz. and vert. swings. those moves kill often with 1 swing and are very effective. what i am missing are some cooler spin moves, some more varation, more special moves. its hard to explain, but the current set of moves doesnt quite satisfy me. Seems too much like hack and slash to me at the moment, alltho it still takes a lot of skill to be the best in it :)



another big request i got is player models. i mean a darth vader or maul skin just dont seem right if they arent wearing a cloak. but im not sure how hard it is to create something like that.




im basicly happy with the force powers, but i think the saber fights could be more exciting.

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