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Carin Assembly


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What's the big secret. I have found the gril that you shoot out. I have also managed to climb onto the top of the assembly, but i can't jump across the gap.


I have tried jumping from the roof and one down from the roof, but my head hits the wall before the edge. I have also tried jumping from the thin railing below, but it's too far away. Plus i tried climbing down the electric arm, that goes around. But that dosen't work either.


I have been stuck on this for two days. It's very frustrating and any help would be great.:confused:

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That jump really isn't all that difficult? Make sure you're on the third floor of the assault pod (not the roof, and not the thingy just below the roof, but the highest level that the little welding thingy works on. If you still have some problems, I can send you a savegame once I get there again, but that will take a little while.


But it really isn't a very difficult jump, so I think you might be trying it from an area that is making it more difficult?


Alternatively, I don't think you'd really HAVE to get in there, you just have to destroy some machinery. You could try throwing some grenades or such in there, but I'm not sure if that would work or not.


Good luck.



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oki... but how I can go to the Carin Assembly? I stuck in elevator, I dont know what I should do!

Ive found big gate with two swithes, and broken elevator. Im going thru vent corridor to the next elevator, I can jump in, but what next?!

please help me!

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Ok, so I think anybody who has gotten past the Carin Assy has a different game than me, or my keyboard is broken or something...


Ever since I wacked everybody in the room I've known where to go but it's been far too many days and I'm still not out of that room yet...


No matter where I go, what ledge I'm on I can't jump to the ledge with the thingys in the room I have to blow up. I just can't do it for some reason.


I've done enough damage from the ledge to make the welding arm go crazy, and I can hear stormtroopers in the next room getting riled up and start shooting. But there are still no explosions and the door never opens...


Anyone please help cause the poor droid in the room has been hacked a thousand times out of frustration and I'd hate to put this great game down because of disdain for one jumping puzzle... (?)

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Okay, this is how I did it:



From the roof of the pod jump up to the swinging arm. Then if you wait until it stops you can slowly walk down to the part of the arm where it bends down. After a few tries you can stand on the 'ball joint' there. If you wait a bit theres a point where the welding arm is close to the platform you have to go to.


Quickload is your friend here ;)

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... if you know how.


I was there some time too, figuring out that i need to get up. If you're looking around you see a sort of handhold the swining arm stops there too. But i never jumped on the swinging arm but on the handhold, since it is slightly more outward than the upper wall you can easily jump up. (I hope you got the meaning, since english is not my native language i had some trouble figuring out how to put it into the right words)


However if you're still hung send me the savegame, and i make it for ya. send it to shannon.melnibone@gmx.at (might take some hours, since it's really later here now, and yes i Do need sleep)

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If you're talking about the room with the Welding arm..you need to be on the upper platform (the first one BELOW the roof.) Face the platform with the Grill that marks the room you want. Stand to the right of the column that is in front of you as you face the Grill..run and jump...HOLD down the spacebar and forward key while you do it.


Once you finally do get there, smash the grill go inside and destroy the pipes in the middle of each of the right and left walls. The welding arm spins wildly and soon the whole thing blows up...openigna hole in the wall.

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