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Annoying in Internet MP


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Generally the way of modifying game media with PK3 files is you introduce a new pk3 file that holds files that are named exactly the same file name of the file your attempting to replace in MP or SP games.


So if your PK3 has music files in it that aren't named duel.pk3 or specifically after action sequence mp3 files in the game assets pk3 files, then they won't work.


Also, bitrate differences can effect music playback in the engine.


Replacing a 48 kilobit, mono mp3 with a 128 kilobit stereo mp3 will not work, and the game will simply ignore the incompatible file type and play the original one. So if your songs are not running at the game default bitrates, they won't play.


Also PK3's are archive files. The game itself will not read archives within archive files, so putting additional PK3 files inside your main one won't do much good.

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