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Force Powers??? Help!!!


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I'm not an idiot, but I must be idiotic about finding the setup area for configuring your force powers for Multiplayer. Where the HECK is it?!?!


I keep playing games and I'm getting pretty good at holding my own. But then somebody uses force lightning or grip on me and I'm stuck with only Push and Pull. I just don't have these powers and don't understand how I get them. The force powers screen only allows me to bind them, which I have done. I found one setup screen that had three little icons for granting power to force powers, but that was only for the bots in a LAN game.


I have only gotten to the first part of Nar Shadaaa in the Single Player game. Does that matter? I also started out Single Player in Padawan skill level. I started a new one at Jedi Knight level. Does that matter for Multiplayer?


Please in the name of the force and those little micro-organisms that apparently create it, but were only mentioned once in the most recent film.... Help me.


Thanks in advance,



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In configure force powers. Top left is force side. Click on the part that says light and it will change to dark with the different powers.


As I understand it push and pull should be able to combat grip and heal can combat lighting so I just need to play more ;)


Anyone any tips on combatting the evil dark powers with the forces of good?

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OK just had a little play and I now the AI is no match for a human. However i've set up a Duel game one on one with teh Jedi trainer.


Mapped the usual movement keys WASD. I've then mapped pull to E and Push to R. Heal to F. Pulling and pushing has great effect. Particularly if you can bang them against the wall.


Just need to test it against a human ;)


Don't forget also the other tip posted in this forum that a force push can have great effect against missles ;)



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I have found that a combination of heal (I put it on Mouse3) and speed is very handy against the baddies. When they bust out rage, you can use speed to keep them offa ya. And heal is a MUST. You can only carry one bacta. When it's gone, they're still kicking you around.


Oh. And when they pick you up? Break out a gun and plug 'em.


Drain is a tough one, though. Try to steer clear of this or have a bacta canister handy just in case you get caught.


Want to keep from getting thrown off a bridge? Another tough one. I find it is better to get them first. Push. Whee. Splat.

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Thanks for the responses, but actually those tips weren't the problem I had.


I literally had never seen that configure force powers screen before. Is that thing even accessible outside of a live game? Anyway, I noticed it when I joined a game today and got some force to back up my elite skillz ;-)


So thanks for trying to help this idiot. :lol: But I did eventually figure it out.


If you are reading this and you are just as lost as I was, when you join a game WAIT before entering game and look for a screen where you can pick lightsaber color and look for configure force powers menu link. That's how you get things set up.



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I had a whale of a time pushing people into the hole thing on the 'garbage' MP level (can't remember it's exact name!), but the one where you can crush people with the garbage thing when they try and get the shield and force thingy inside it.

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