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Need Help Badly on (level 2 i think ) .. plz plz plz help me!


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Hi !!


Anybody .. im really stuck on this one .. im missing out on something .. well here it goes!

i have completet the 1st part where you enter the codes ! the you go investigating the part 2 .. in the outpost .. im stuck there with the elictrick pool is .. i just cant get anywhere from here .. there isent any switches or anything .. plz plz plz help .. i really like this game and i think it would be lame to begin yousing cheats to get through it!

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I had to think for a bit, but I think I know where you are.


You've just climbed up through that room where Kyle comments that "it's freezing in here", right?

Then you go over a little walkway (where earlier you shot two stormtroopers), and wind up in a room with a pillar in the middle, electrified water around it, an "office" with some stormtroopers and an officer in it, and a door. Right?


If you follow the small walkway (the little path along the wall where you start when you enter the room) all the way towards the little "office", you can look inside, and you will notice a large brown crate. Shoot this crate, and it will destroy the button, allowing you entry into the office through a new bridge (and the door will open).

Inside the office you can switch the button on, which will open up a doorway inside the pillar in the middle of the room, which will allow you acces into a new area in the level.


That should get you going again.


Good luck!



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