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A counter to the "Six Lukes vs" thread...


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(NB: I so wish I had a screenie of this, but I was so surprised that it didn't occur to me)


I was playing the other day, SP, and got the point where you see Luke and Dessan fighting. As we know, this is a totally scripted event, there are no things that change, and there is no chance of Luke winning... or is there?


The fight went like the last time I saw it, with Luke looking fairly trashed as Dessan battered away at him, but in the fleeting seconds before Dessan jumps away, Luke CUT OFF DESSAN'S HAND!


I am not kidding around when I say it was one of the truly weirdest things I've seen so far in this game. The sabre didn't turn off, the hand just lay there, upright, with the sabre on.


Dessan continued to do his normal thing, and jumped off the platform. Luke followed.


Immediately in the next shot Dessan had his hand (and sabre) back.


It was a very strange moment, and, again, I wish I had a screenie.


Anyone else encountered this strange anomolies?



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Originally posted by S!TH!NAT0R

WOW! -Do it again dude and get a freakin' screenie! That sounds cool to see;) :p


I don't know if it'll happen again, that's the point. It seemed so totally random that there's no way I'll ever see it again (then again, maybe not!).


I'm just wondering if anyone has seen similar (if not the same) strange things in this game?



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