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matrix style


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I'm not sure if everyone's done this before ... but today I loaded up sp and about 10 Rodians (the guys with sniper rifles) ...


well they were shooting the crap out of me, but every now and then i would do matrix style automatically, as in just before the laser hit me I'd dodge it and the speed force would auto come on for a few seconds ........


i loaded up a luke, and he matrix's every single shot, he cannot be killed by rodians! all jedis can pretty much dodge , looks so cool .......... is there a way that you can dodge all the time???


sorry if this is old news though :D

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theres no force seeing in SP


it seems to be just random, i only ever saw it in Bespin


its cool though;


i think if force seeing makes it happen all the time then force seeing shoulda been in SP


why wasnt it anyway? you get to see dudes through walls and stuff plus you get matrix dodging mode

it probably coulda helped you out with the invisible lightsaber guys too



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well if some one shoots you in the area of the left or right torso you have a random chance to do the matrix dodge (drunken dodging). Time slows down, you blur, and your tilt backwards and to the side, then get back up. You dont do the full knees bent dodge, but you do the first bit (how Neo dodges the first bullet).

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if u guys really want to see how kyle dodges it then use the sniper riffle against desann and kyle dodges it pretty much the same way but in slow mo, it takes away about half ur force when he dodges it, and i also would like to know if there is a way to dodge it all the time....and if there is a way to get infinite force

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