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stuck in ns streets


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i am at a part in ns streets whare u push a button and a garbage leaver comes out. u jump on them and he says that the garbage can would take u to the guy u are after so u force pull the other lever to u and u jump to it then u jump the the garbage can it stats to move it pusshes u off he says that he need to find a control swich to revers it



i am stuck here help pleeze

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Here is what you do. Reload to a point before the grabage levers. (there is probably a way to get back there without reloading but I don't know it. Get force push ready and jump on the grabage cart. There will be several bottons that you have to push to keep the cart going the right way.

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As the garbage hauler makes it way along the building, you'll see a switch that looks like a traffic light, use your "force push" to switch the buttons and keep the hauler moving. I think you have to do it a total of three times to make it to the end of this level.

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