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I dont want to use cheats but i am stuck on the level with the cold room with the rotating arm. I climb up the arm and across the platform and through next door but after killing stormtroopers in the tower i cannot find a way past. This is on the level 2 i think were klye says get the ship ready i have one more passage to check out. In this room there is a electrified pool with a corridor leading into a big room with loads of goodies out of reach and 3 laser turrents. What do i do? :jawa

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Pressing the two buttons will move the arms inside the freezer.

The single button over to your left simply deactivates the forcefield

which leads to the hallway you just climbed out of (saving you the

trouble of climbing back through). Go to the right of the freezer and

kill the officer, swiping his key in the process. As soon as you start

to go down the stairs he was guarding, you'll be greeted with two new

hover droids, and two troopers on a ledge above you. Wipe out these guys,

and check out the two locked doors at the bottom of the stairs...you'll

be back here later. Head out to the freezer again, looking with the two

switches behind you. Break the windows on the freezer if needed, then

jump in and head through the door on the bottom. You'll take some damage

due to the cold, but not too much. In this new room, look to the right

for a switch. Hit it, and the door next to it will open, exposing a

control panel. Turn it on and you will see a diagram of some type of

power levels dropping. You've just turned off the freezer =). Head up

the stairs, hit the switch and go out the door. Notice that you're right

back where those 2 troopers and droids were. Go back out to the freezer

and jump in again, but stay on the ledge. Jump up onto the arm, and then

up to the catwalk. Don't go forward just yet. Move left, along the

ridge on the outside of the freezer. On the opposite end you'll find the

first secret,



hope that helps

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