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Where are these guys getting the GDK??


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Ok, that's 2 mods out. Where the heck are they getting the GDK from???


Raven, we are getting impatient and rowdy! Please just release it. I don't care if it has bugs. We want the map editor now!!!


- Vorax

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Thanks, for the link, but that's not the editor I am looking for. I want Ravens modification of the q3Radiant for JKII. The guys making maps for those mods must have it.


I have a couple of maps that have been designed for the WLS map pack that were built with GTK, but I need to convert them to the new JKII .bsp version.


- Vorax

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Originally posted by Jafo

hey vorax I private messaged you but im not sure if you checked. I wanted you to be an op in the IRC channel. irc.enterthegame.net

port 6667 #jediknight2editing




Did you get my reply message?

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Raven's radiant editor hasn't been released yet. The guys who have released levels (level? The only one I know of is the Ladder SP level) took up on ChangKhan's offer of compiling their maps I guess so I assume they used gtkradiant or similar to edit the maps.


Check out the news on Massassi about the ChangKhan offer.

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Originally posted by BlackDragon

Raven's radiant editor hasn't been released yet. The guys who have released levels (level? The only one I know of is the Ladder SP level) took up on ChangKhan's offer of compiling their maps I guess so I assume they used gtkradiant or similar to edit the maps.


Check out the news on Massassi about the ChangKhan offer.


There must be more to it then that because without the editor or at least the .def file, making a mod level would be next to impossible. Just compiling a map is not close to enough. It typically takes 15-50 compiles to get a map right and that is if you have the correct editor. That offer is next to useless because without the .def file you can't place entities. There must be more to this story....someone has an early copy of that GDK.


- Vorax

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Vorax: If it wasn't for the fact that it's a) late b) late and c) I'm on my xth pint of Stella, I would kick myself for not noticing that you wrote GDK in the first post. I apologise and skulk quietly in a corner for even bringing up the redherring of gtkrad.


But in response to your response, I know what you mean about the compiles, but bear in mind someone could compile a map in Q3 to get it right and then get Raven to compile it for them for JO. As for the entities.def, it's only a text file so someone could have at least figured out the required entries for some of the items.


But then you might be right - has someone got an early version of the GDK? Is this a Raven dude anonymously releasing levels?


Moe - what? You think you're some sort of Jedi! Jedi Mind Tricks don't work onna Raven - they're a conveniently-unheard-of-alien-race-that-aren't-weak-minded! ;)

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LOL. Hehe.


The plan about building and trying in another game is what we are doing.


Here is a couple screens from one that I built that have been developed and tested in Elite Force and Quake III (just a teaser, we have alot more then this):





A couple more at our site by Dublin: Wired Lamp Studios (don't worry about the site, kinda sucks now but it is being updated)


However, even with complete maps like this, with proper map testing and tweaking for game play, force powers, saber, weapons and power ups, it will probably still take 5+ compiles even on these 'ready to convert' maps.


Interesting theory you posted about this being a Raven guy that did it. That does make sense... or perhaps a friend of someone at Raven.


Either way, I wanna know. If it was someone else, then we deserve a shot at that GDK. If it's install is buggy or whatever, who cares? I will figure it out and help others install if they want. They can just release it with a 'this is an alpha version, use at your own risk, we will not be supporting it'


- Vorax

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black: are are belgian?

figured so since stella really isn't all THAT wide-spread ;)

if so, here's to belgium *raises pint of stella* :)


about the maps, i don't think these people had any sort of acces to the gdk, so no worries.


perhaps they got raven to help them, as was suggested before.



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Pea - no, not Belgian - British. But it's a mighty fine drink and goes down well now the summer is upon us!


I played the ladder level last night and I think it's a Raven produced level on the sly (or at least, a Raven dude made level!) because the readme file says it's based on the Pit level and it has not only the same layout but even the exact same extraneous architecture at the top and makes use of entities that I doubt many of us editing bods could have sussed on our own like func_breakable, func_suckintoouterspace (pull/push) as well as having scripts produced by BehavEd.


Also, one of the bits of music is from Conan the Barbarian (I think!) and ChangKhan/Mike Gummelt strikes me as someone who would be into Conan. Not only that, but recently another thread placed his name and the idea of a Ladder map together in the same sentence, prior to the map being released.


So I reckon it's an unofficial map from a Raven guy, probably ChangKhan.


Mulder has nothing on me! ;)

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