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Mutiplayer Saber Color Binding


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I realize that the SaberColor console command is a "code", and cheats must be enabled for it to work. However, there HAS to be a console command to change saber color in multiplayer. If changing the color is as simple as going to the player screen and clicking a button, isn't it feasable that there is a command, a shortcut, to doing it? Anyone have any further information?

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There are many uses for it, and since your not a hardcore gamer ;), you might not realise it.


For example, lets pretend that change saber color was +saberColor (color), now imagine this:


/bind m "+taunt; +saberColor blue; +saberColor red;+saberColor blue; +saberColor red;+saberColor blue; +saberColor red;"


Would make 1 hell of a taunt eh? :D

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Holy buggy saber Batman!


I just bound all the different colours onto my four directions, jump and crouch and the playermodel didn't like it one bit!


I was jumping whilst laying down, running on the spot whilst crouched and generally spazzing whilst running. The saber colour thing works, though. Anyone have any ideas to cure it? Is there a wait command in the quake 3 engine? O_o;

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Chances are it's because of the way you bound the keys. I haven't have much experience with Q3 binding, but usually if a +anything command is bound with other commands to one key(ie: bind w "+forward; color1 1"), then it won't turn off properly. I would recommand a solution, but I need to figure out a bit more about Q3 aliases.

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i've created a bind that allows you to cycle through saber colours ingame using the [ and ] keys. I've tried the flashing saber but it doesn't work, it just freezes you on the spot for some reason, it wont allow a saber colour change while doing anything else

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