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Sith Mercenaries


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Some of you may remember us from Dark Forces 2.


Background Story:

Hello, I am a lone Mercenary, my squad lost, after a attack by a group of Jedi, sure we open fire first, but they were merciless, picking us off 1 by 1. I managed to grab one of the fallen jedi's lightsabers and I alone escaped. I then seeked out a Sith Master for 10 years after. Then I found a Sith. He said he foresaw is fall of power, and decided to find 2 powerful being to train as a Sith, after he heard my story, he said he would train me. We trained for 3 years, in secret. But he lost interest in me after he sensed a massive power surge in the force. This being was called Luke Skywalker. I left me alone on a plant with a shuttle and Lightsaber. Once he died, I decided to train more, and joined a group who was praticing the dark arts, the Leader was named Jerec, a old blind fool who a Jedi defeated 5 years later. He thought I was killed by Sariss, after I showed him the mercy he showed me we first battled. But I managed to heal myself by pure hatred for the Jedi, and what I thought was my friend. I then and there swore to kill the ones I blamed it on, It all started with the Jedi, and it will end with the Jedi. I went searching for more people who felt the same. This spawned what know I call the Sith Mercenaries.





Tag : [sM-Intiate]Name

Description : Not yet having reached the requirements to become a full member



Tag : [sM-Mercenary]Name or [sM-Merc]Name

Description : Standard Member, Partcipates in Clan Wars, Practiev, and Meetings



Tag : [sM-Primarch]Name

Description : Counsil Member, if all the counsil agrees on one thing, they will overthrow the Masters Judgement



Tag : [sM-Apprentice]Name

Description : In training, by request. There may be only 1 offical Apprentice



Tag : [sM-Master]Name

Description : The Leader of the clan, Which is currently Yun



If your interested, please e-mail me at


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