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Aren't you a little short for a swamptrooper?


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I'm thinking of the dialup users - I used to hate having to wait for two large pictures to load if I just wanted to read the text. of course in this case there is no text, bit it's the principle of the thing :D


That and it stretches the screen out and makes things look all awkward. Each to their own though, I guess. I'm one of those people that can't stand signatures more than half a screen size at 1024x768 big. Some people luvvem. *shrugs*.

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Yeah funny, eh? I'm still wondering why he's so... Well... Dwarf like. :)


56k users can kiss my booty... Even when I used a 14.4k, I'd just open the post, and or picture in a new window anyway. If somebody complains about that, then they have a serious problem.


Also, stretching out the screen? Pffft, that's the users fault for using such a low resolution... Things get small at higher resolutions? GET A BIGGER MONITOR! :rolleyes:

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