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Auto Loading Force Set Ups Per Map


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OK, I like prolly many people use a slightly different set up of force powers depending on the map (force push on maps with ledges, swap the points for something else otherwise, etc.). On a map roation server it's a pain changing your config and then having to die for the new force set up, especially if you last a long time. Now I've found the fcf files (force config files?) in the assets0.pk3 and have a couple of questions.


1) Anyone got any idea how to translate the damn things? I assume the series of numbers relate to a list of powers and their strengths.


2) Is there a way to autoload a particular fcf file for a particular map? I'd like to have my powers ready for the particular map right from the load.




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Whats wrong with using the force?


I hate it when opponents moan that I use force drain, calling me a n00b....when you can hear them using force heal!!


Drain is the Sith's version of heal...a useful by-product is that it drains the opponents force power...its not our fault Jedi's are weak :p



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i agree with you jank, force is as much part of the game as any weapon. the problem is that there are those who abuse it to much. i personaly use the force powers in moderation more for defense or counter actions rather than as a weapon. but ther are those who will just sit with drain on all the time then take a swipe at you

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I think people are too sensitve. I was doing online play for the first time and we were doing FFA. I ended up winning (20 kill limit) but I probably got 10 by saber and 10 by weapon. This guy was all pissed that he didn't win and kept asking for a vote to kick me. Of course he was the only one that voted yes.


If you don't want people using weapons, there are plenty of Saber only servers or servers with Force Powers Disabled. I don't complain when all people are doing is sitting on the ledges and Force Gripping and throwing people off. Its all part of the game.


People need to be better sports and not be such sore losers.

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I have this simple rule I use.


1) Go into a server and say Hi

someone responds --> play reasonably fairly

nobody responds --> play to win


2) You kill someone and they say "n1" or similar

---> play more fairly


3) People attack you when you have saber off, when you respawn, various other things

---> Use every dirty tactic you can think of, because you will never be as annoying and cheap as the other evil gits on the server :)

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