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Sound/Music Editor Ready To Work For You!

Quinn Mallory

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Hey Everyone, :fett: :fett:


My name is Quinn Mallory. I have been part of the Jedi Knight community since Jedi Knight was first Released. Now that Outcast is released and it ROCKS, I am now at this fourm. I am a Sound/Music Editor and I am looking to help all of you out with your Jedi Knight: Outcast Skins/Mods/Levels/ Anything.


For Skin Makers-


- I can create custom Jump sounds, "hurt" sounds, "grunt" sounds, death sounds, and everything for your skin.


- I can also get any line from any movie and import it and make it your Skin's Taunt. Like if your making a Darth Mull skin, your taunt could be "At Last We Shall Have Revenge" and all players will hear that.


For Mod Makers-


- I can create weapon sounds for new weapons if you are creating any.


- I can create custom sounds for your skins like hurt, grunt, death, taunts, everything.


- I can compose for your mod THEME Music which can be played anywhere from when the player is in the main Jedi Outcast Menu or while they are playing a level.


For Level Makers-


- I can create Sound Effects for your levels. Like if you have a shuttle flying, I can create the sound effect that goes with it.


- I can create sound files to be played in specific areas or anything you want.



To Sum it all up, I can do anything you want Sound/Music Related. If you are interested in my services, just send an e-mail to BobaF4@aol.com with a description of your mod/skin/level, what sounds you need and everything else I would need to know. Thank you for your time and I hope we can make some very cool Jedi Knight: Outcast Add-ons



-Quinn Mallory

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