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Help with Winzip


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Okay I have tried to use winsip on the assets.pk3's but my winzip won't do it ("Must have .zip extensions"). Is there something wrong with my winzip (i downloaded it?) or is there anything else that I can use? Please help!

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WinZip and WinRar work fine for opening pk3's but if he's talking about closing'em back up.... which honestly, I don't see what you would've edited to need to do this. If you're editing for jk2, do what ALL the other posts say, make folders in your GameData directory for each folder in the pk3. Example, if you're editting a kyle skin it would be ur own created folder ...GameData/models/players/kyle/*.*


As far as creating pk3 with winzip, i used to just rename .zip to .pk3, now i use winrar.

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If you are using winrar.. In the program I think that you must select the files you want in the pk3 file and click on the Add button. A window will pop up, then select Zip from the Archive format and click Ok. Then change the zip extension to pk3.


But basically a pk3 is a zip file w/ the pk3 extension, so any program that can create a zip file will work.

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OK I know I said that was my last question and i know im being kinda annoying but how come after I did all that to make a bot it didn't work? I set my bot up just like a stormtrooper bot someone else made, and it worked. What am I doing wrong?

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