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still looking for an answer to my last thread


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This is from memory, so forgive me if I've forgotten one:


In order of access -


1. As you enter the bar, there are a row of booths on the far wall. Go into the far right booth, or the booth to its left and 'use' the left wall (in the right booth) or right wall (in the left booth) to open up a secret area.


2. In the kitchen area (the room with the ramp leading up to the 'office') you can Force Push the middle rack of shelves to open up a secret.


3. High above the center, glass roofed building which extends a bridge to another building, there's a bridge with a Gran standing on it. He lobs TDs at you and the bridge is booby-trapped to explode in the middle. Jump across the gap and run straight ahead to the sloped wall to the left of the walkway. Jump up into the dark and look above and behind you where you'll see another bridge crossing the chasm between opposite tower blocks. Hop up there and walk to the end of the bridge for more supplies.


4. Come back down from secret #3 and jump over the broken bridge again to the other side. Go right here and follow the walkway around the building. At the end, jump down onto the light fixture jutting out from the wall, then onto the door-frame underneath and onto the bridge below. Repeat this for the next light fixture, door frame and bridge. Once on that bridge, jump onto the raised tower on your left and from there onto the adjacent bridge which leads to the shield and blaster powerups. This will take you back to the vicinity of the bar.


5. You can see this area from the top of the glass bridge (you can walk back across from the area with the R5 unit) but I'll be danged if I can figure out how to get there. I'm sure it's doable, but I can't make the jump.


6. Once on the second garbage hauler which moves off as soon as you land on it, be prepared to jump up and into the window frame as you pass under it. It's a tricky jump, but worth it. Exit out through the grating above the R5 unit, although you can shoot an explosive box to open a hole in the wall, allowing you to drop back into the reset garbage hauler.


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