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Obi-Wan (Ben) Kenobi Skin update


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Ok here is the lastest version of the skin. Its final as far as I'm concerned, unless someone points out some major flaw, or a way to change the sounds for the different models (i want to replace his default sounds/taunt with the ones that Morgan makes, but simply swapping files doesnt work) This will be up for download shortly, as soon as i figure out a way to send a 1.16MB file through hotmail's 1MB upload limit :rolleyes:


Heres the first pic. After recieving alot of "make him look more like ben" comments on the main forum, i felt the need to remind people what Alec Guinness actually looked like, thus this is the model in the model viewer and a portrait of sir Alec next to it:




And this is the skin in-game:




comments are always welcome, as well as if anyone knows a for me to email this file to the person that will host it for me. gotta be free, easy and allowed to transmit over 1MB.

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Originally posted by Absath

Ok here is the lastest version of the skin. Its final as far as I'm concerned, unless someone points out some major flaw, or a way to change the sounds for the different models (i want to replace his default sounds/taunt with the ones that Morgan makes, but simply swapping files doesnt work)


Nice job! :D


I'm not an expert at this, but this is what I would try to replace the sounds. From what I can see poking around the PK3 files, there is a sound.cfg file in each Model folder. The contents of the Sound.cfg tells where to find the taunts/etc. for the model.


So, if you want to use the Morgan sounds for your Ben skin, I would make a new folder (models/player/obiwan or whatever) and copy all the relevant files (JPG, Skin, GLM, CFG, etc) from the base model folder you are using. You can replace the orginal sound.cfg with the Morgan one instead.


LMK if this works!


SuperFly TNT

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Originally posted by Absath

Ok here is the lastest version of the skin. Its final as far as I'm concerned, unless someone points out some major flaw, or a way to change the sounds for the different models (i want to replace his default sounds/taunt with the ones that Morgan makes, but simply swapping files doesnt work)


This is just a guess as I haven't seen what you have in your pk3, but have you tried putting the following in your model's sounds.cfg:




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CiD, are you referring to editing the cfg file? how would i do that? will a text editor open up .cfg? and superfly, i tried copying morgans animsounds.cfg and pasting it over galak's (who i used for this skin) but it didnt take. i think CiD is on the right track...ill look into. my question is-is there a way to make only the obi wan skin use morgan's sound files, so we can maintail galak's? any insight into this guys?


and thanks for the comments on the skin =) one we get the sdk, ill be transferring the skin to a new model (jedi robes). but until then, we'll have this one. the guy who is going to host my skins apparently has an ftp i can upload them to, so i dont have to worry about hotmail's 1mb limit. ill let you know as soon as its available.

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Are you creating the skin inside galak's directory? If so, I would suggest that you don't. I would put it into its own directory, that way you could edit the sounds.cfg and the animsounds.cfg w/o messing w/ Galak.. and easily add bot support if you wanted to.


If you are creating it in galak's directory and want to move it into it's own directory then let me know and I will tell you how.


And yes, cfg files are text files.

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oh damn...i think somewhere along the line i was put under the impression that i had to keep galak's name on the folder containing the skin. so therefore, yes i guess it is all under his directory. my pk3 file is models>players>galak and then all my files. id definetly like to know how to separate it, for no better reason than to not have it say Galak/default_Ben under his portrait in the MP character selection screen. id like it to say Ben/default_ben heh.


and also if this lets me apply separate sounds too...cause id much rather have obi-wan say "the force is with me" in a mature english voice than the evil laugh that galak has.

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Ok, to separate into a new directory do the following:


1. In YOUR pk3 file, rename players/galak to players/ben.

2. In assets0.pk3, copy animsounds.cfg from players/morgan and model.glm from players/galak.

3. Copy sounds.cfg into players/ben, erase what is in it, and put the following in it:





4. Rename your icon_default_ben.jpg to icon_default.jpg and rename model_default_ben.skin to model_default.skin. (You may not have used _ben specifically, but take off whatever extension you used.)

5. Change all the directory paths in model_default.skin to point to models/players/ben.


That should be it. When finished you should have all your textures, model.glm, animsounds.cfg, sounds.cfg, and model_default.skin. Also if you used a blue and red model, then copy those textures into players/ben as well and rename those .skin files to model_blue.skin and model_red.skin.


You can now easily add bot support if you wish too when you are finished.


If you don't understand what I said then let me know.

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no i definetly understand what you said. this is great, i owe you one man ;) it makes the skin complete. i did do a red and blue version, because i have some people interested in running it on their server. im gonna go try this now. if everything works out, then ill swing by and ask you about making a bot (i know i saw the process posted somewhere, but i didnt pay any attention at the time)


thanks man ;)

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ok that worked...definetly an improvement. but it didnt change the taunt. it changed the sounds he made when he jumped and fell to his death, which is good, but he still laughs evilly. any idea where the taunt is located so that can be changed?


and how do i go about making ben a bot file?

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You changed the sounds.cfg to point to morgan's sound directory and it didn't work? I have not tried this, but since the taunt.wav is located in sounds/chars/morgan/misc in assets1.pk3, I thought that might have worked.


Well, to add bot support. This is assuming you named the model directory ben.

1. Make a text file called ben.bot

2. Add the following to the file:


name "Ben_Kenobi"

model ben

color1 4

personality /botfiles/Morgan.jkb


3. Save the file into a directory called 'scripts' at the same level as the 'models' directory.


The name cannot have spaces in it. color1 is the light saber color. I am pretty sure 4 is blue, but you may have to check.

You can edit the personality of the bot if you wish by copying morgan.jkb to ben.jkb and editing the file. If you do use a custom personality file put it into a 'botfiles' directory at the same level as the 'scripts' and 'models' directory and change the personality line in ben.bot.

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neither morgan nor galak have a sounds.cfg they both just have animsounds.cgs's. so thats what i edited. i wiped out all the information, wrote the text you told me and saved it. it changed all the sounds except the taunt.

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Oh ok, copy the animsounds.cfg back from morgan's directory in assets0.pk3 back into your ben directory and overwrite the one in there. Then in your ben directory create an empty text file and rename it to sounds.cfg. (Make sure that windows doesn't tag a .txt extension on the end. It should be sounds.cfg not sounds.cfg.txt or something like that.)

Then open up the sounds.cfg and add:





I believe that the taunt is taken from the sounds.cfg, not the animsounds.cfg. If a sounds.cfg doesn't exist, just make one.

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I am not sure what version of Windows your using but in Windows Explorer under View or Tools there is a Folder Options. Then under the View tab you can set it so that known file extensions are not hidden. Then the entire file name will be displayed and you can remove extra extensions.


Is this what you mean?

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Originally posted by Absath

CiD, are you referring to editing the cfg file? how would i do that? will a text editor open up .cfg? and superfly, i tried copying morgans animsounds.cfg and pasting it over galak's (who i used for this skin) but it didnt take. i think CiD is on the right track...ill look into. my question is-is there a way to make only the obi wan skin use morgan's sound files, so we can maintail galak's? any insight into this guys?


CiD seems to handled this one fairly well. What he said was what I was trying to explain initially, but I guess I didn't do a great job.:eek: Was in a rush to get out of the house last night. You basically want to set up a new model folder for Ben, but you seemed to have figured that one out already.




Sound.cfg tells which directory to look for the sound files - taunts, etc.


Animsounds.cfg is a file that (I think from looking at the contents) synchronizes the sounds effects to the character animations. Probably not wise to change this.


Anyway, keep 'em coming.



Sup3rFly TNT

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Originally posted by Sup3rFly TNT

Animsounds.cfg is a file that (I think from looking at the contents) synchronizes the sounds effects to the character animations. Probably not wise to change this.


That makes sense. Then in that case you should keep the animsounds.cfg w/ its model and then just change the sounds.cfg if you want different taunts.

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i dont know if this will defunct that theory, but i have both the animsounds.cfg and the sounds.cfg containing this script:





and he grunts when he jumps, screams when he falls to his death and has footsteps. dunno. i suppose i could probably change that animsounds file back...but it seems to work as is.


btw i just wanted to extend my gratitude to you CiD and superfly for teaching me that tidbit of information, as now all my skins will be that much more complete, especially since i believe ive figured out how to record new sounds and taunts and add them in. some more testing required but ill let you know. thanks everyone ;)


PS: Lonegun ill be emailing you about hosting as long as you realize that the only way i can get the skins to you is through MSN messenger direct transfer (or ftp upload..) unless you know of a free mail service without a 1mb transfer limit. thanks

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