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Two console scripting questions


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A). Is there any way to console script playing a sound based on the pathing of the current player model?


i.e. to script mp taunting you would bind a key to play the file named "taunt" in the sound directory referenced in the model's sound.cfg file (so if you use the reborn model the command would chose sounds/chars/reborn/misc/taunt, but if you use luke it would path to sounds/chars/luke/misc/taunt)


B). Why doesn't the autoexc.cfg file I create work? I can run it in game with "exec autoexc" but when starting the game, the loading window says something to effect of "could not exec autoexc.cfg"


The only lines in it are:


set taunt1 "play sound/chars/jedi1/misc/taunt1;bind g vstr taunt2"

set taunt2 "play sound/chars/jedi1/misc/taunt2;bind g vstr taunt1"


bind g "vstr taunt1"


Edit: Almost forgot . . does anyone know of a site where I could find a guide to the Q3/EF/JO console commands?

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Just realized that +taunt is already in the game, so I guess question 1 is mostly moot (although it still might be nice to script multiple rotating taunts to ease the repetition a little :)


Would still be interested in finding a site that explains what most of the console commands actually do and what their parameters are.

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