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Stuck - Jedi Push Tests


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Hi all. i am stuck on that same place. What sign exactly? i have force pushed all the grey plates on the wall and the plates on the ground. after this im am goin to go back in for another try at it. thx. btw. This has GOT to be the greatest single player game ive ever played. AWESOME

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Heh. oh yeah! i went into that area and all of a sudden what you said made perfect sense. the lightsabre is awesome. Now i am stuck in the area where im searchin for reelo barlo and i am stuck in a place where there is a train or cart. its after i go through the trash compactor and make my way across the boxes and down the long metal corroridors. should i make a new post?

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Ok so I understand that you have to force push the plates, but all I get is blue light on the floor ..... and nothing when I look on the walls .... how do I 'push'? I don't see anything :( waaahhh


Sorry, but I just don't get it. Am I missing a control?



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Originally posted by chaos22

Heh. oh yeah! i went into that area and all of a sudden what you said made perfect sense. the lightsabre is awesome. Now i am stuck in the area where im searchin for reelo barlo and i am stuck in a place where there is a train or cart. its after i go through the trash compactor and make my way across the boxes and down the long metal corroridors. should i make a new post?


You (force) pull the cart towards you, then go back to the other side near the start of the level (you pull a block to reveal a ground-level vent).


Now you are able to push forward the cart on this side, revealing a passage to your right.


Hope this makes sense.

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