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possible fists in JO!!!!!!!!


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ok i was messing around with the npc spawn commands and the mind trick level 4 as well and i found a storm trooper that punchs.....im thinking that the punch animation and everything is there so someone could find a way to make kyle punch....


heres how u do the punching stormtrooper.....


in console put: "setforceall 5"


then in console put: npc spawn howler


then use mid trick on him and take control of him, you will notice that he has no guns and can punch (he attacks fast like anyone u take control of)


im guessing that this was put in the game befor the stun baton and they seem to have just left it out but everything is there, i think someone could find a way to give kyle fists because the animations and the ammount of life it takes out are already in the game, just need to find a way to access them....


try it out and tell me what u guys think.......

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ya, i just think its fun to use just force powers, and maybe punch a storptrooper or 2 in the face then grip him ....... i hope someone can figure out how to make fists an accessable weapon, by mod or command or something it should be easy to do......i could probably figure something out but i dont have the time :( i really want to have kyle fist fighting though.....

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Try this:


Load a map, make sure cheats are enabled, bring down the console and type these 2 lines:


give weaponnum 14 (this gives you the melee weapon the gran use)


weapon 14 (this switches to the melee weapon)


Have fun!


Oh, yeah, mind trick 4 lets you control enemy NPCs, definitely a bit buggy and can break the game in some areas, but a lot of fun to play with. Mind trick someone to take them over, mind trick again to get out of it.


Just type this to get level 4 mind trick:


setmindtrick 4

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And what do I do IMMEDIATELY after reading this?


Load up my Jedi Master difficulty level game at the last level, take control of Desann, and make him crush himself under a pillar. :)


[edit]And then of course, I go and beat him to a pulp. Doesn't take as long as I thought it would. And you can hear the four levels of health he has.[/edit]

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Originally posted by Moleculor

And what do I do IMMEDIATELY after reading this?


Load up my Jedi Master difficulty level game at the last level, take control of Desann, and make him crush himself under a pillar. :)


[edit]And then of course, I go and beat him to a pulp. Doesn't take as long as I thought it would. And you can hear the four levels of health he has.[/edit]


Hehe, this is exactly why mind trick 4 isn't a power in the game... :)


And, yeah, the fists weren't really meant to be used by the player, so you can pretty much jack up enemies with it... :)

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Originally posted by Radar_Brian



Any chance of First Person View with saber in multiplay? is that a possibility?


Not without a patch... :)


There were some serious issues with doing a 1st person lightsaber in multiplayer and we figured that, since it leaves you at a bit of a disadvantage, most people wouldn't want to use it anyway...

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Are you kidding? There has been several requests for this. I love the game.. but no offense.. no first person saber view prevents me from even playing MP at all. I dont' think I'm alone in wanting this feature. From my understanding it's partly because you would have to make a separate 'arm model' for each character? I would be happy if they were just generic arms really. But for a first person game to not at least have the choice saddens me.


/mind trick 4


You will make a FP patch for saber in MP.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

You can go about your business...

move along

/mind trick 4 off

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i agree with chang on the first person sabers actually, i mean really who uses 1st person when sabering, for 1 thing ur view of whats around u is compromised because u can only see directly in front of you while as in third person u can see all around and a little behind you, and another thing you cant really see how great raven made you look doing flips and rolls etc... i for one am glade there is no 1st person sabering because its pretty useless if you ask me......the people over at raven know what there doing :)

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well... nobody is making you go to first person are they?


Nobody was downing Raven's great work on the game either.


If you don't like it, then don't use it.. but for those that would like to... it would be nice.. useless or not.


Why include the view in SP then? It's just a matter of immersion for me.


If I wanted 3rd person view I'd go play tomb raider or something.


But don't belittle those that want FP view just cause you don't like it or see the need.

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Originally posted by Radar_Brian

/mind trick 4

You will make a FP patch for saber in MP.

These aren't the droids you're looking for.

You can go about your business...

move along

/mind trick 4 off


:nut: Have irresistable urge to make FPSL patch for MP... :nut:


Hunh? Hmm, must have been the wind...

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Ya I understand.. I didn't mean to come across hostile or anything..


but wouldn't you agree that having the choice would be nice? Even if you got slaughtered...hehe


It's just the SP saber battles are so epic, and mainly because it feels like I am the one in them... I dunno...

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