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Counter drain? Show.


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I'm interested in seeing a demo for a successful counter for force drain. I see lots of talk suggesting counters, or whatever...but I'm really interested in seeing a demo of someone successfully countering force drain on a regular basis. By that I mean not charging at the enemy spinning like a maniac and then killing the drainer for a round, heh.


Sorry if this has been posted already.



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Yeah, I've been trying to train in that too. I turn on absorb, but for my last opponent, he just kept rolling everytime I went in to attack after he saw me glow blue. Absorb lasts for about 10 seconds I think before it completely drains your force. I think if you actually attempted it, you can roll away from any saber attack heh. Yeah, after it wore off then he drained me for a bit, then gripped me. Then I died. Of course there was the occasional time he would mess up, and I would conan slash him and kill him. Still, I was like 2/8 heh.


I would think there should be a consistent counter for everything. Like those spinning maniacs...you just saber throw into their ballerina dance heh.


Edit: Well, I won't go so far to say that there IS no counter. It's just that for MYSELF I have no counter. That's why I'm trying to get a light jedi to post a demo of him/her consistently countering for drain.


Well I have a counter. In FFA matches, I challenge them to a duel, heh heh. That is consistent - but if they don't accept...I run like hell. Also, in Gun FFA matches, drain isn't that useful cause you just blast them to hell if you don't have force. For that reason I'd prefer to see a demo of a counter in a duel gametype field.

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Oh, and another of my current strategies is to absorb, and then use force speed. They charge them like a psycho killer in medium stance. If I don't kill them in the first few seconds then I run like hell to recharge and try again. However, that doesn't work in a duel setting cause there's nowhere to hide heh.

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As I've mentioned before, I feel that 99% of the balance issues in this game could be remedied by slowing down the backpeddling speed. It's rediculous that someone can run backward at the same speed that I'm running towards them, it gives the backpeddler both the offensive and defensive advantage. You could still use a quick jump, backflip, or roll if you needed a quick step back to adjust your strategy, but if you want to run, you should have to actually turn tail and run. If this was fixed, people would have to actually learn to use there force / weaponry in an effective mannor instead of just running backwards with a repeater, or draining.

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I was reading one of the previous posts and I do use absorb to counter drain, after he stops trying I just turn it off (select Force Absorb and use it again!) I don't find it too bad because my opponents just go crazy trying to use Drain. Absorb I feel is a good balance, since Light side has heal which is probably more effective than Drain. Thats just my opinion.

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I've had good experiences with Absorb and Heal. Usually the Absorb time is enough time to kill a Darksider without him Draining. I usually don't let Absorb run to the end though so I have enough to Heal. Maybe I've only played against less-experienced Darksiders, because overwhelmingly I'll run at one, apply Absorb, and he tries Grip, Drain, Push, Pull, whatever a couple times before he realizes "okay, I HAVE to use my lightsaber here." People get too Force dependent.

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You simply have to time your absorbs. You need it bound to a key for quick access. Turn it on, and then off before it wears off, the drainer will think you are out of force and try another drain, which is when you pop it on again.


At this point you will have a full force bar, and you can just keep turning it off and on indefinately.


Now combine this with Jedi Mind Trick and you can defeat them.




1. Use absorb on a quick key


2. Hit them with Mind Trick


And then cut them in half.

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As a darky myself I can say that mindtrick is one of the least used but most effective powers in the game. I almost never have seeing unless it's a jedi master fight and I have the extra stars. I'll try to give you the other side of the coin maybe it'll help you think of a counter, though the mindtrick/absord sounds effective I've yet to run into it so I don't know for certian. I can say the absorb by itself doesn't work most of the time, If I can force you to turn absorb on and leave it on I am happy because now it's an even saber fight, I'll just forget about the force and the best duelist will win out. I think the reason drain is so effective is because if it's used with surprise you can keep someone from ever having access to any force powers for more than a few seconds. Absorb will negate it in an extended duel but in ffa or tffa that generally doesn't happen.

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Hmm.. .. . Playing mp as a darky i seem to notice the best counter for drain is absorb and saberthrow. Either that or Forcepull and whatever. You goodys have to do this instantly when we're using drain or else we might be able to stop drain in time to counter your counter. Oh yeah forcejump and do that one hit kill thing in heavy stance is an awesome way. I suggest you pratice with bots as i notice once the darkies find out the counters of drain. The counters are less effective. So just practice countering really fast. Better yet, JOIN THE DARKSIDE!! ! ! ! ! ! !! :D

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I have no probelm with drain for one if he's dumb enough to keep draining while absorb is on he just gives me more force power. And if he stops I stop absorb he trys agian I hit absorb. I do think you need to move back slower in wolfsetin or quake it's fine you all have ranged wepaons. In outcast it was a very bad descion as it puts lightsaber user at at a disadvantgae. Also speed seems to be to slow you can acutally stay ahead of speed for a few seocnds by walking backward WTF?!? speed needs to be faster.

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Originally posted by BlacKnight

If I can force you to turn absorb on and leave it on I am happy because now it's an even saber fight, I'll just forget about the force and the best duelist will win out.


I don't see this as a drawback... I like to play Light a lot more than Dark, so let's say I meet you on a server, and you start Drain, but I get Absorb up in time, but we're fighting close so I have to leave it up. If you're a better duelist, I can't complain when you finish me off. The game shouldn't be about "what's the counter for a good swordsman?" I think people look too much for counter(s) for EVERYthing, outside of experience and ability.

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Also speed seems to be to slow you can acutally stay ahead of speed for a few seocnds by walking backward WTF?!? speed needs to be faster.


Agreed. Short of a patch from Raven, though, this isn't going to happen, so we might as well learn to play with what we've got.


In the end, we'll all have opinions about what could be done to make the game better / more balanced / more fair / more fun. We can either get into mod teams and make these changes, wait for Raven to do it for us, or just learn how to have fun with the game as it is. Look at the original Tribes: massively imbalanced by the presence of skiing: heavy armors could outrun lights in some cases. Incredibly imbalanced? Yes. Obscenely fun game? Yes. In my experience, JO's balance issues aren't anywhere near that bad.

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aim is right,


pull is the best counter.


its simple, with drain, we darksiders leave ourselves so open to any kind of attack. u see someone starting drain, instantly pull them to yo and hack and slash, they cant block if they are still draining.


its been done to me plenty of times. mindtrick wont work unless u can get around them, because if i use drain on u while ur invis, ill see the red, or i can use lighting which is more effective at giving away ur position :)


saber throw works, but its not able to start like a chain oh hits and such, so pull is the best, or if you are close enough, pushing them over is good.


also a good counter is the back/side kick, run up to them, jump and kick them over, then hit them with an over head slash.


when drained is used three things are happening

1)he is draining ur force power

2)he is getting health

3)he has one hand on the light saber


this means that if you are fast enough u can pull him and hit him for more damage then the hp he gains, and before he has a chance to go into defensive stance


if you are not fast enough, then u can run around, out manuver him, then get that backflip kick in


also just realized, if u can put speed on, u can def out manuver him, its all about timing..


i am a darksider who uses drain, i have met many competant jedis, both light and dark who can counter my drain and make for good fights...

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I don't agree with force pull. You have the same delay when you pull that he does when he drains, its not like he doesn't notice being pulled into you.


Plus as you pull he drains all your force, and can then do several things:


1. Push you away. Then use lightning which you have no defense against now


2. Grip. Which you also have no defense except saber toss.....which you can't use since you have no force.


This is assuming you don't kill them on your first hit, which is unlikely since you just let them fully heal by draining you.....


I still say quickly throwing absorb on and cutting him down is the best thing to do. There's no delay when you turn absorb on to use your saber, so you should get a free hit.


Another tactic if you are playing on a walkway level with pits it to turn absorb on, you know he will stop draining and try to slash you, so simply wait for him to slash then push him off the ledge.


Push always works when someone is midslash.


I'm not sure you are going to find some wonder-move that makes you immune to drain, you just have to be quick on your feet and use your head. I have no fear of drainers, just keep working on your timing/tactics.

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Originally posted by chikara

Yeah, I've been trying to train in that too. I turn on absorb, but for my last opponent, he just kept rolling everytime I went in to attack after he saw me glow blue. Absorb lasts for about 10 seconds I think before it completely drains your force. I think if you actually attempted it, you can roll away from any saber attack heh. Yeah, after it wore off then he drained me for a bit, then gripped me. Then I died. Of course there was the occasional time he would mess up, and I would conan slash him and kill him. Still, I was like 2/8 heh.


If that was tonight it was probably me :D

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It's rediculous that someone can run backward at the same speed that I'm running towards them


Agreed! This should be remedied, even though I am a blatant backpeddler ;)


There IS no effective counter, that's why.


Its all about timing. Push or Pull them, hit speed and run at them, throw your saber and roll at them, jump, (if your dark) use force drain back (this is a fun one), put on red stance and do the unblockable attack... there are SO many ways to counter it.

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aim is right,


pull is the best counter.


its simple, with drain, we darksiders leave ourselves so open to any kind of attack. u see someone starting drain, instantly pull them to yo and hack and slash, they cant block if they are still draining.


its been done to me plenty of times. mindtrick wont work unless u can get around them, because if i use drain on u while ur invis, ill see the red, or i can use lighting which is more effective at giving away ur position :)


saber throw works, but its not able to start like a chain oh hits and such, so pull is the best, or if you are close enough, pushing them over is good.


also a good counter is the back/side kick, run up to them, jump and kick them over, then hit them with an over head slash.


when drained is used three things are happening

1)he is draining ur force power

2)he is getting health

3)he has one hand on the light saber


this means that if you are fast enough u can pull him and hit him for more damage then the hp he gains, and before he has a chance to go into defensive stance


if you are not fast enough, then u can run around, out manuver him, then get that backflip kick in


also just realized, if u can put speed on, u can def out manuver him, its all about timing..


i am a darksider who uses drain, i have met many competant jedis, both light and dark who can counter my drain and make for good fights...

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