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Counter drain? Show.


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If I can force you to turn absorb on and leave it on I am happy because now it's an even saber fight,..


I saw a lot of posts like this.


An even saber fight? Who said anything about sabers? If you're close enough to drain, then I flip on absorb and shoot you. Even if you immediately stop draining when you see my blue aura, there's a recovery period during which I can land a number of shots. Frankly alt-fire with the flechette gun at close range will kill you before you stop draining.


If you're saying "no guns", then I missed that. If you are commited to saber-only, and still want a counter to drain, why not mindtrick? Why not seeing (most underated, IMO) so you get them first?


Also about saber-only: you've changed the game balance. If FFA has been balanced around guns, sabers, & force powers, and you cut out a portion of that, then you should expect other powers to be better.




P.S. I haven't experimented with rage. Is rage a "switch" like mindtrick? In otherwords, does it last regardless of how many force points you have? If so, rage is a definate counter.

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