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Saving Jan Ors in First Level


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She tells me she needs help, so I do a quick save and run to help her, but I can NEVER get to her fast enough to save her. She always gets killed first, so I load latest save and keep trying, but I still can't get to her fast enough and my only save back behind that one is the start of the game. How can I use cheat or whatever I need to do to save her? Because I sure as hell ain't restarting the game because of some piece of **** objective I need to accomplish in which I don't have the ****ing time to do, since when I finally get back to the spot now I don't see how I'd have time to save her anyway.



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If you are in the dark then you are at the right spot, use your light eluminating goggles. and find your way through to a door, which leads into a room with a sliding door. You have to crouch to get through and kill the guards. Once you do this there should be an area to explore... Good luck! :atat:

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Once you get to the console that Jan needs to crack for you, and you hear Kyle start talking to her, already start running. (this gives you a few additional seconds).

Run past the shielded computer cores, out the door, turn right. Then turn right again. This leads you past the windowed entrance of the green sector (I believe this was in green sector). Run straight ahead, and you'll get to the big core area, with the little colored screens.


Turn right, dispatch the two stormtroopers (alt fire on your blaster rifle works well, it's a small walkway, they can't dodge). Run ahead, then turn right. Deal with the few more stormtroopers that pop up, and then take the first door on your left after you pass the stairs going down to your right.


You'll be right in the back of the stormtroopers, and are free to blast them at will.



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If you can make it you could just run past the troopers and hope they don't kill you. If you get to Jan before she dies and get the attention of the Stormys shooting her then she should be alright. You just have to deal with a bunch of pissed troopers now :D

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